Meeting Weiss Schnee

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Ash's POV

I just got on the transport ship to Beacon Academy in Vale. So far the smell inside the transport smells like vomit and overly confident teenagers and the worst thing is that between the 2 of them I can't tell which I hated more to me their were equally as bad.

Nobody expected me for who I truly am. I honestly still can't believe that everyone believed that I was related to Qrow Branwen. Turns out between the time that me and some girl named Ruby were born he recently did a sperm donation so I was in a way the niece of Qrow Branwen.

I also got lucky that most of my teachers and professor Ozpin were dumb enough not to even meet my mother were as multiple other people had to have their parents meet with the teachers.

After a few days at Beacon I was later forced into the idea of having a roommate. I was so pissed off and worst of all my roommate is a rich and spoiled heiress to a dust company in Atlas. Soon another bed was being moved into my room and I was told that she would be in the dorm in 30 minutes.

I waited 30 minutes and in came a gorgeous woman. The woman ran her hand through her pulled up hair and began to get ready for some type of dinner that she was going to. Suddenly her scroll rings.

Weiss: Hey babe

For a second I wished that she was talking to me. A second after greeting what I believed to be her date for tonight, Weiss began to go from happy to a blend of angry and sad.

Weiss then threw her scroll to the ground and tossed herself on her bed. I decided to go up to her and try to help her feel better about what appears to be a break up.

Ash: Weiss.

Weiss looked up and saw me as tears stream down from her face. Weiss then wiped the tears off of her face before talking to me.

Weiss: What do you want?
"Just wanted to see if you were okay."

(Weiss looked at my in shock and slightly blushed as she looked down.)

Weiss: I'm sorry what did you say your name again?

"Elisa Hamato."

Weiss: Well Elisa I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner tonight with me.

I could clearly see what she was trying to do and I wanted the same so badly but there was a huge reason I couldn't. Weiss was a huntress and I am the daughter of a criminal mastermind.


Weiss smiled and out of nowhere kissed me on the cheek and left to go to the bathing room on campus. I sighed when she closed the door. I thought about the cruel fact that I have fallen in love with a girl I'll never be able to have.

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