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Lily: Hello
Taiyang: Hi. Are you Doctor Lily Thompson
Lily: Yes I am. You must be Taiyang Xiao Long
Taiyang: Yep
Lily: So what is your problem Mr. Xiao Long?
Taiyang: Well it all started 6 years ago.
Lily: What happened 6 years ago?

Taiyang: My youngest daughter was stolen. Then not long after that my wife died of a broken pacemaker. Then yesterday I was so drunk I angrily threw a beer bottle at my eldest daughter's head.

Lily: Wow
Taiyang: Yeah

Lily: Well talking about it is always the first step for one who has bottled up their emotions for so long.

Taiyang: What's the next step Doctor?

Lily: Talking to your family and apologizing to your daughter.

Taiyang: Ok. Thank you Doctor

Lily: you're welcome. Also if you or anyone else in your family has a problem here is my number.

Taiyang: Thank you. Goodbye
Lily: Goodbye Mr. Xiao Long

Do you guys think Tai and Lily should go out on a date? Leave it down in the comments below if you want Taiyang and Lily to go on a date. Thank you. Also keep reading to find out what will happen next also comment below if you want Ruby to find out the truth.

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