Ticket into Beacon

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Through out the rest of the year Ash never talked Yang. Classes were getting ready to start up again and as Ash was at a dust shop looking at comic books and weapons catalog where a fight was coming into play.

Roman: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?

Shopkeeper:P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!

Roman: Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money. Grab the Dust.

(A henchman opens a case and removes one of several cylinders, which the group uses to take Dust from the tube containers on the walls.)

Henchman 1: Crystals. Burn. Uncut.

(The shopkeeper proceeds to fill the case. As another henchman goes for another tube, he hears the muted This Will Be the Day song from the girl's direction, and unsheathes his sword.)

Henchman 2: Alright kid, put your hands where I can see 'em. Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?

(He goes over to her and turns her around, the hood dropping to reveal a surprised Ash Fall wearing headphones. He motions for her to lower them.)

Ash: Yes?

Henchman 2: I said, put your hands in the air, now!

Ash: Are you... robbing me?
Henchman 2: Yes!
Ash: Ooohhh...
Hunchman 2: Hey!
Ash: Hyah

(The threatening henchman flies past him. Roman calmly motions for another to handle Ash.)

Henchman 1: Freeze!

(Cut to outside the shop, when the henchman and Ash crash through the window. The other men look outside as Ash gets up and unfolds Crescent Rose into its scythe form. Roman scowls, but Ash smiles back at them before twirling the weapon around, striking it into the ground and turning off her headphones.)

Roman: Okayyy...Get her!

(The henchmen head out of the shop and run at Ash, who spins around on top of her scythe and kicks the first approaching criminal in the face. She gets Crescent Rose out of the ground and fires it off to hit another one with the butt of her weapon, sending him flying. She fires again and brings the side down on one attacker and dodges the next's gunfire with her rifle's speed, getting close enough to knock him into the air and follow him upwards so she can beat him away to Roman's feet.)

Roman: You were worth every cent. Truly, you were. Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around...I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

(Roman unleashes a red blast at Ash, who fires at the ground and leaps over it. When she lands and looks up, Roman isn't there, and is climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.)

Ash: You okay if I go after him?

The shopkeeper gives a short "Uh huh", and Ash sets off.

(Roman makes it to the roof, with Ash high-flying again and landing right behind him.)

Ash: Hey!

Roman: Persistent...

(Ash readies to fight him, but a getaway Bullhead rises up and opens the hatch to allow Roman inside.)

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