Start of Something Beautiful

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7:00 am, Monday, May 20th, Severide House

"Hannie, come on, get up and get dressed." Kelly told Hannah as she laid on her already-made bed. He had already gotten her up and fed, but he'd told her to get dressed and she laid on her bed.

"I'm tired." She told him, lying her head on the pillow.

"What? You're never like this before school, what's wrong? You sick?" Kelly asked, pressing his hand against her forehead.

"I don't feel good."

"You're a little warm. What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel good."

"Okay, uh, I'm going to go call Chief Boden real quick."

Kelly went into the bathroom and closed the door so Hannah couldn't hear him and he called Boden.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Has everything with the House being under close observation blown over yet?" Kelly asked.

"Pretty much. I had a favor with somebody very high up and it's passed. Why? What's up?"

"Hannah's sick and I really don't want to take a day off."

"Yeah, it's fine now. She can stay in your office today."

"Thanks, see ya in an hour."



11:30 am, May 20th, Firehouse

"Just ask him out." Gabby told Stella, bringing her back to reality. She'd been zoned out as she watched Kelly reading to Hannah.

"What?" Stella said, pretending she didn't have a thing for him.

"He feels the same way, I can guarantee it. We don't work Friday, you should ask him out. You two could go to Molly's, or someplace else if you wanna escape these boneheads." Gabby said, motioning to where Otis and Herrmann were arm-wrestling.

"I don't know. I mean, look how great he is with Hannah. It's just the two of them and they seem happy! I don't wanna intrude on that, ya know?"

"Stella, happiness is unlimited. You'd make him so happy; you already do! And Hannah? She already loves you."

"Should I try it?"

"What's the worst that'll happen? He'll turn you down? Big deal. But I know Kelly and he will go out with you."

Kelly walked out of his office and carefully shut his door behind him before approaching Gabby and Stella near their bunks.

"How's she doing?" Gabby asked, gesturing towards Hannah.

"Hanging in there, I guess. She finally fell asleep after I read her Green Eggs and Ham for the millionth time." Kelly reported.

"I'm going to go talk to Matt about...anything." Gabby excused herself, giving Stella a chance to ask Kelly out.

"So..." Stella began. "What're you doing Friday night?"

Kelly chuckled.

"What?" Stella asked.

"I was seriously about to ask you the same thing."

"Gotta speak up, mister." Stella teased.

"Guess so. But, you wanna go out somewhere? Dinner, movie, Navy Pier, it doesn't matter to me. Whatever you wanna do." Kelly told her, looking deep into her eyes.

"What about Hannah?"

"Oh, Gabby and Matt can watch her. Right gabby? I know you're listening somewhere so come out." Kelly said, watching as Gabby's head peered around the corner.

"Yep, I'll watch her." Gabby said.

"Good deal. So, Stella, where're we going?" Kelly asked.

"Dinner and a movie?"

"Yeah? What movie you wanna see?"

"I was thinking the new Pirates of the Caribbean?"

"Sure, I'll watch anything you want to see."

"I think this is the start of something beautiful." Gabby commented, watching the pair.

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