All Around Perfect

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October 15th, 7:30 pm, Severide house

"Stella, you ready to go?" Kelly called from the kitchen. He was so nervous for what he had planned. He was going to take Stella to Navy Pier, like they'd done on their first date, and propose. And it was the perfect night because Hannah was at a friend's sleepover birthday party.

"Yeah, let's go. Where are we going?" Stella asked as she walked to where he was waiting.

Kelly dramatically gasped. "You don't know?"

"How would I know, you nut? You told me to dress nice and that we were going somewhere."

"I know, let's go."

"You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Now, put this on." Kelly said, handing her a blindfold.

Stella gave him the 'look.' "This better be a damn good surprise."

"I think it will be."

The entire ride there, Stella griped and complained to Kelly about the "damn blindfold." Kelly just laughed at her and told her it was going to be worth it. At least, he hoped it would.

He rehearsed what he'd say to her in his head and he kept feeling his pocket to ensure the ring was still there. He knew they'd been together all of 5 months, but it felt like so much more than just 'boyfriend-girlfriend.'

Soon, he parked the car at Navy Pier.

"I heard the car turn off. Can I take the blindfold off?" Stella asked.

"Nope, not yet. I'll guide you to where you need to be and I'll tell you when to take it off. Okay?" Kelly told her, assisting her out of the car.

Stella sighed. "Okay, but don't you dare let me fall or run into anything."

"What? You don't trust me?"

"Just be careful." She laughed.

Kelly carefully led her to a spot in front of Lake Michigan. He positioned her so she was facing towards the lake and he got the ring out of his pocket and knelt down before telling her to take off the blindfold.

She took the blindfold off and the second she saw him kneeling down with the ring, her hands flew to her face. A smile was on her face as she listened to him talk.

"Stella Kidd, I know we haven't dated for too long, but I am completely and totally in love with you. You are beautiful and caring and sweet and kind and the best woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You are great with Hannah and you're just all around perfect. You're always there for me and I will always be there for you. You are amazing in every single way. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" She said, tears of joy in her face as he stood back up, slid the ring on her finger, and hugged her tight.

People around them were cheering and congratulating them, but they were oblivious. They were just ecstatic to now be engaged and to be in each other's embrace.

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