Not Braxton Hicks

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September 4th, 1:04 am

"Uh-oh. Oh, this can't be happening. Not now." Stella mumbled to herself as she laid awake in bed. Kelly was on shift, Hannah was at a friend's sleepover, and she was awake and having contractions.

She originally thought they were Braxton Hicks and let it go, just because she'd been in the hospital twice now with them. But after trying to wait them out, the contractions got closer and closer, which assured her that they weren't Braxton Hicks.

"I gotta call 9-1-1. Where's my phone?" Stella spoke to herself as she turned on the lamp beside her. She'd been having some serious pregnancy brain during her last trimester; forgetting why she entered a room, forgetting where she left things, pulling up google on her phone and then not remembering what she wanted to look up. So it wasn't a surprise when she couldn't locate her phone.

"Ugh, man, where did I leave my phone? Why don't we have a home phone?" Stella groaned as she rolled off the bed and hobbled around, searching for her phone.

Suddenly she remembered where it was - in the kitchen. She hobbled her way out and found it on the counter. She called 9-1-1 and unlocked the door before going and lying on the couch, timing the contractions, which were
5 minutes apart.

Soon Gabby, Sylvie, and Kelly arrived.

"Kelly, they're coming. The triplets are coming. Totally not Braxton Hicks." Stella told him through gritted teeth as she felt another contraction.

"I know, baby. I know."


3:04 am

"Here's Baby A - it's a boy!" The doctor announced as they heard the baby crying.

A few minutes later, the second baby came.

"Baby B - a girl!" The doctor said, handing the crying baby to a nurse.

Finally, the third baby came.

"Here's Baby C - another boy! Two boys and one girl."

After everything calmed down, Kelly and Stella sat with their babies.

"I think we should name these babies." Stella told Kelly as she held Baby B and Baby C while Kelly held Baby A.

"Alright. Any names you like in particular?" Kelly asked.

"Lila, for the girl."

"Love it. How 'bout Lila Elizabeth?"

"Lila Elizabeth Severide." Stella finalized.

"Now for the boys. Hmm, Ryder Caleb?"

"Ryder Caleb Severide, for Baby A. For Baby C, maybe, Nathan Michael Severide?"


"So, Ryder Caleb Severide, Lila Elizabeth Severide, and Nathan Michael Severide." Stella made final, looking lovingly at her babies.

"Wait a second." Kelly suddenly said.


"Hannah. She has no clue you had the triplets."

"Oh, boy."

"I think I'll wait until morning to pick her up, pretend everything is normal, and then come to the hospital and show her her new sister and brothers."

"Make sure I'm awake to see that one. But, for now, I really need some sleep. Can you handle the triplets alone?" Stella asked as she set Lila and Ryder in their bassinets beside her bed.

"I got this." Kelly said as Nathan began to fuss in his arms. "I hope."

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