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    I woke up at 5: 15 a.m, as always. I got my things ready and headed to work.
My name is Bas. I am 24 years old and my mother is a famous singer and model. She has done so many other things though, and she made herself one of the richest women in Korea. I am a fashion designer and I make clothes for some of the biggest models that you could name. But people don't seem to realize how hard I work. And being gay doesn't help any of it.
    "Ugh, he gets all of the biggest models and idols. Its so not fair, " One of my coworkers whispered behind my back.
    "Of corse he gets all of the top clients, do you know who his mom is? He had everything handed to him," Another mumbled.
    I can feel my eyes watering up. I'm so sick and tired of people saying that I haven't worked hard. I have! I run to the bathroom and wash off my face. I start to sneeze, and eventually start to cough. I should go home and take medicine.
    "Mrs. Plark, may I take the rest of the day off? I think I have a cold," I ask.
    "Sure, but we are going to need you tomorrow!" She responds.
    I bow and head towards the elevator. I push the button and wait for the elevator doors to open. I have a major headache. Hopefully I'm not sick. The elevator makes a 'ding' noise and the doors open. I walk in and press the button that says '1' for the first floor.
Time Skip
    When I get home, I see body guards blocking my door. I'm guessing my mother is home. I step out of my car and I signal them to let me inside. They step aside, open the doors, and bow.
    "You don't have to bow," I say.
    They nod and I walk inside. I place my shoes on the rug beside of the door. I walk to my living room and see my mother on the couch. She gets up when she sees me and gives me a hug.
    "Hi LuLu!" She says with a smile. Yes, my mother calls me LuLu.
    "Hi mother," I say back.
    She immediately knew I was getting sick. She nodded at me and went to the kitchen. She started to cook soup.
    "LuLu, go lay down. I'll cook you soup and let you rest. M'kay?" She says.
    I nod and head to my room. I change my clothes and put them in the basket inside of my  closet. My room is a mess. I sigh and lay down.
Time Skip
    My mom comes in as I'm about to fall asleep with soup in her hands. She turns on the TV, and starts to cool down my soup. She sits beside me until I finish my soup.
    She takes my bowl and kisses me on the forehead.
    "I'll be back tomorrow to check on you," she says.
    I nod and she leaves. I grab my phone and set an alarm for 4: 30 am this time. I wasn't able to finish some papers today, so I'll finish them in the morning. I soon fall asleep.
Time Skip
    I wake up from a loud crash. I check my phone. It's 10 o'clock at night! Who is in my house? I don't have any pets, I don't have a maid nor butler, and I don't have any bodyguards! Someone is robbing me! I grab my phone and hide in the closet. I put a few clothes and shoes on top of me so that no one can see me. I left the door open so that if they were to break it, I wouldn't get scared.
    Then a few people walk in. I slowly move the pink shirt sitting on my left eye. I see a tall, buff guy looking around. He has a huge AK-47 in his hand. He steps closer to the closet, and I cover my mouth.
    "Bas, where are you? Not here?" He asks, a creepy and psychotic smile plastered on his face. "Ill come back for you when you are," he says and leaves.
    15 minutes later, I can hear them all leave. I wait another 15 minutes just to make sure they are gone. I then walk around my house with a knife to make sure no one is left.
    Fortunately, no one was inside. I was alone again. I start to check for what things they stole. They stole all of my jewelry, my 2 TV's, all of my designer clothes, my electronics, my bag and my wallet. That means they have all of my pocket money, but that's okay. Thankfully, my ID and my credit cards are in my phone case.
Time Skip
    It took me about 3 hours to explain everything to the police. It took so long because I had very little information on them, and I had no clue what they looked like. I only knew what one looked like.
    My phone would not stop going off and I really didn't want to speak to anyone. I read the caller ID and it showed my mother calling me. I decided to just answer her.
    "Hello? LuLu! Oh thank God your okay!" She said worriedly.
    "Mom, I'm fine. Please, don't make this a huge deal!" I pleaded. I know my mom will want to be over protective of course. She's a mom, what can I say? But I don't want to walk outside and see 20 grown men in suits blocking my view. I like the way I've been living. I've been living like an average person. And knowing my mother, she'll want me to live with her, but I've told her many times that I won't.
     "Well don't worry LuLu, I've hired the best--"
    "Mom, I don't need nor want body guards! I'll be fine! I'm a grown man for christ's sake! If something happens I'll come and live with you. Deal?" I say.
    "Ugh. Do you honestly think that absolutely nothing will happen?" She asks.
    "I swear," I say reasurringly.
    "Okay, but if I suspect anything I'm immediately sending--"
    "I know, I got to go mom. I love you, bye!" I say and hang up.
    I run into my bathroom and take a bath. I'm honestly scared out of my mind, but I don't want my mom to be worried so I'll keep it to myself.
    I lean over and grab my phone. I dial Ms. Plark's number. She doesn't pick up so I leave a voice mail.
    "Mrs. Plark, I'll try to come in tomorrow, but I don't know if you watched the news. I was robbed a couple of hours ago. Call me back when you get the chance."
Time Skip
     I wake up to a phone call. It says unknown. I let it ring. Then my phone rings again. I let it ring once again. My phone rings for a third time and I answer.
    "Hello? Who is this?" I ask.
    "We're not done with you," they say and hang up.

Forbiddingly Falling For The Boss | GodxBas (2Moons Pha and Yo)Where stories live. Discover now