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     We began driving to his parent's house. My heartbeat got louder as each second passed by.
     When we arrived, it was a huge house. Their mansion was sectioned off by a white fence. They had nice, expensive cars in their driveway, which obviously stated that they were rich.
A man walked outside and opened the gate.
"They know we're here?" I asked.
"Of course. I can't just randomly drop by to see them," Max said as if it were obvious.
    Maybe he doesn't live the perfect life with his parents, as I imagined. He can't even see his parents freely....I got lost in my thoughts. Eventually, I began thinking about my real, biological mother and if I would ever meet her.
     I snapped out of it when someone, who I'm assuming was a butler, opened the car door and walked me inside, along with Max and Kimmon.
    The house was absolutely stunning. There was nice antiques placed around the house on beautiful, miniature pillars. We wandered for a little bit before the butler escorted us to a huge room with a table and prepared food.
     "Mr and Mrs. Ittha will be here quickly." He announced and left the room.
     "Kimmon, are you alright? You've been quiet since we hit the road." Jay asked.
    "I'm just so f*****g worried about Kit. We just started to make progress in our relationship and despite the brave face he always puts on, I know he's scared...Where ever he is." Kimmon released some of the stress by saying so.
     I reached across the table and held his hand. "We're all worried. They'll be okay, though, alright? I promise you."
    What if they aren't okay and we never see them again? What if Kimmon never forgives me if they don't make it back? What if Kimmon gets depressed? Is God okay? Is Tae okay? Tee? Copter?
     Before I knew it, Jay's parents entered the room.
"Mom, dad," He said.
"Jay," his father replied.
I see why God was troubled. I depressingly admitted in my thoughts.
"Good morning, Kimmon and Bas," his mother said.
Kimmon and I bowed our heads slightly.
"Mother, where is he?" He asked, eagerly.
"You shouldn't bother with God. We warned him. We said not to mess around with gangs and s**t, now look at him." His father scolded.
    "Father," Jay began. "He's your son. How could you be so cold-hearted?"
    His father slammed his closed fist on the glass table, surprisingly not damaging it. Mrs. Ittha jumped slightly.
    "You're right. He is my son. I am his father. He should've listened to me. This conversation is over." Mr. Ittha said and left the room.
     When he left the room, Mrs. Ittha hurriedly walked over to Jay and hugged him. "I'm so sorry."
     "I don't know why you're still with him." Jay said. "He doesn't even care about his own son!"
     "You know how your father is," she said. "T-things are complicated sweetheart."
      Jay groaned in frustration. "I don't care! I'm not letting God go that easily!"
      Jay rushed upstairs and into his father's bedroom. "I demand information."
      "I said end of discussion." Mr. Ittha said.
     "AND I SAID I NEED INFORMATION!" Jay said and took a breath. "Now, father."
    His father slapped him in the face. "If you do this, Jay, you're putting your own father at risk."
    "I don't care how risky it is to you. As of now, you've lost all respect from me." Jay said sternly.
     His father was about to exit the room when Jay cocked his gun. "I mean it."
     Mr. Ittha raised both hands up and stopped moving. He slowly backed up. "Fine."
     "I don't know where he is. All of the information I have is a text message." He said.
    "Give me your phone." Jay demanded.
     Jay's father lowered one hand and pulled out his phone, unlocking it in the process. He put it in front of his foot and kicked it towards Jay. Jay picked it up and read it.
     We have God, Copter, Tee and Tae.
     Jay suddenly god a thought that he prayed wasn't true. He began to look through his father's phone. The gun still aimed.
     We followed out your orders, Mr. Ittha. We will do what you asked to God and his friends asap, Mr. Ittha.
     "WHAT DID YOU ASK?" Jay asked and shot the roof.
     His mother screamed, along with some maids. Footsteps were headed their way.
     "I ordered his death." His father said with no shame or remorse.
     Jay pointed the gun at his father once more. "If anyone deserves to die it's you. I hope you rot in hell."
     "I'll see you the-" Mr. Ittha said as Jay shot him.
     By then, Bas, Kimmon and Mrs. Ittha were in the room.
     Bas and Kimmon were shocked and Mrs. Ittha was crying over her, now dead, husband.
     "The police'll be here soon." Jay said. "We need to leave."
    Before leaving, he looked back. "I'm so sorry mother. I-I don't think I'll ever see you again."

So, surprisingly, a few of you asked for a face reveal. Would you guys like one? Or.....should I keep my face locked up in a basement where it belongs because ya girl looks like an actual pile of poop💩lol. Just comment or DM me~

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