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As soon as the three boys walked inside, they were blocked off by guards.
"Who are you and who sent you?" The guard furthest to the right asked.
"We're here on behalf of Mr. Ittha. We're here to pick up God, Copter, Tae and Tee." Jay stated, calmly.
The guards all moved back into their original positions and let the three boys walk further down the hall.
They didn't really know where to go, do they just followed Jay.
"Mr. Ittha sent his own son? My my my," Someone said from behind them.
They turned around to see a woman standing behind them with her arms crossed. She was dressed in a black-leather suit and had weapons attached to every limb on her body.
"Yeah, our car is outside." Jay said.
"It's not that easy. We need a password." She said.
"Mr. Ittha didn't tell us any passwords." Kimmon said.
"Well then it looks like you're not getting the boys." She said.
Kimmon and Bas looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
     Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. They looked over only to see that Jay had killed another human being. 
       "Grab a weapon off of her. Hurry, the guards'll be here soon. Go in the room and get them out." Jay said.
     Kimmon and Bas ran inside the room with stolen weapons, Jay running towards the dead body and taking the rest of her weapons.
     Jay entered the room and saw what seemed like four lifeless bodies sitting in chairs, rope tied around their chests.
    "Untie them." Jay said. He walked around the four of them and shook them in order to wake them up.
     They each woke up and groaned. They were all dehydrated, sweaty and starved. "We're going to get you four out of here."
      Bas and Kimmon had to repress what they felt. They untied the four bodies and helped them stand up. The four men couldn't run, could barely walk in fact, due to their terrible conditions.
      "J-Jay," God said in disbelief with the little voice he had.
     "Do you have enough energy? There were about six guards out there and there's only Bas, Kimmon and I. I know you're strong, God." Jay encouraged him.
      "Give me a gun." God said. "I'll be fine."
      "I can manage too," Copter said.
      "Same here." Tae said.
       Due to how skinny he was, Tee could barely stand. His body was close to giving up.
      "Bas, Kimmon, you both just take care of Tee. Get him to the car ASAP." Jay ordered.
      "When we put him in the car we'll come help." Bas said.
     They nodded. The other four boys walked out of the room and gunshots were heard.
      "Get in the car now, before more guards come!" Jay yelled.
     Kimmon and Bas basically drug Tee into the car.
     The two boys ran back into the building and started helping the other four fight.
      A guard stood before Bas and was about to shoot him when God shot him in the head. Bas couldn't pull the trigger. He felt like a failure.
     Kimmon hadn't shot anyone either. Luckily, he was doing fine with his fists.
     Once they cleared another set of guards, they ran inside of the car.
    More guards ran outside and aimed for the car.
     "Duck!" Bas screamed when he noticed that one guard's gun was aimed directly at God and he threw himself over God's now ducked body.
     Jay turned a corner so they could all breathe calmly now.
     Bas moved off of God's body and winced in pain.
    "Fuck!" Bas screamed. 
     God looked at him and noticed he was bleeding out of the side of his stomach. "We need to go to a hospital, Jay!"
      "We can't go to a hospital. We'll take him to my house I have a first aid kit there." Jay said.
      Bas held onto his wound tightly and grinded his teeth.
     He began speeding, running red lights and ignoring stop signs.
     They arrived at Jay's house and pulled Bas out of the car. They rushed him inside and tended to his wounds.
      About thirty minutes later, Bas was psyched up and was no longer bleeding out.
      "Bas I'm so sorry." God said and hugged the younger.
     Kimmon and Copter were also hugging, tears streaming down their cheeks.
     Bas broke the hug and looked deeply at God. He gently held God's face as if it were a diamond. "I thought I'd never see you again."
     God held onto Bas's hand on the area where the boy was gripping his face. "Me too. I'm just glad I have you with me right now. I love you."
     "I love you too, God. Don't ever let this happen again. I can't, I won't lose you again. It's selfish of me, but you're not allowed to leave my side ever again." Bas said, letting his tears fall.
      "Same goes for you." God said.
      The two shared a long awaited kiss.
      God began to cry also, which was something that many people, not even Jay, had never seen before.
       "Don't cry. You'll make me cry harder." Bas said and hugged him.
       "I love you so much. I love you all. Thank you, Jay, Kimmon, Copter, Tee, Tae and Bas. Thank you all for not giving up and surviving." God said. "I don't know where I'd be without you all."
      "Thank you too," some of the boys said in unison.
      Eventually they all fell asleep after eating and showering. Bas woke up and cuddled God, happy to be able to hold him once more.

Hey, this is technically the last chapter I guess. But not really because there's one more chapter that I'll be releasing tomorrow. I don't count it as an actual chapter because it'll be a time skip and the boys's progress. Look forward to it! And be prepared for my face reveal because I'm very ugly lol.

Forbiddingly Falling For The Boss | GodxBas (2Moons Pha and Yo)Where stories live. Discover now