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    Suddenly, my whole life flashed before my eyes. I saw friends from childhood, I saw my boss, I saw old boyfriends, old teachers, coworkers...but I also saw my mother.
    I snapped out of it and put on a brave face. "I must see what happened."
     "Are you sure? Are you prepared?" Kimmon asked worriedly.
    "I have too." I told him and place my hand on his shoulder.
    "I'll go with you. Two is better than one." He said.
    I nodded, not wanting to wait any longer. We opened the door quietly and made our way down the stairs. We peered in the kitchen and saw blood on the floor.
    So many things rushed through my mind. Was it God's blood? Was it Copter's? Tee's? Tae's? His? I snapped out of it and saw that no one was in the rooms, bathroom nor living room. I looked bad and signaled that it was clear to go.
    We kept walking and looking around. We both avoided the kitchen, though.
    We finished looking just about everywhere and we met up by the stairs.
    "We should go in the kitchen." Kimmon said.
    I nodded. I was the first to walk in. I sighed in relief, but threw up. It was an almost dead boy. He didn't look old, maybe in his mid 20's. He looked so pure and it looked as if he had his life ahead of him. His eyes were open as he laid there, bleeding out, but alive.
"Help me," he begged.
Kimmon quickly ran upstairs to grab something. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around his arm, where he was shot.
    "Where the hell are they?" He asked.
     "What're we supposed to do?" I asked.
     It went silent for a moment. "Kill him." An unfamiliar voice called out.
     We turned our heads and follow where the voice came from. It was a woman. She was extremely beautiful, yet her presence sent chills down my spine.
     "WHO ARE YOU?!" I asked and pulled out my gun as if I was going to shoot her right then and there.   
     "I know where God is, it wouldn't be so valuable if you shot me, now would it?" She said as if she were talking to a child.
    "Where." I asked, although it didn't sound like a question.
"Kill him first, smart one!" She said with an evil smile.
I was resisting every urge to hurt her. "No. I won't."
"Then you won't find God nor the rest of them." She said.
With the blink of an eye she ran behind Kimmon and put a knife to his throat.
I heard another gunshot. I looked behind me, where the gun was shot from, and noticed it was the wounded man. I looked back and saw the woman laying on the floor, not injured, but dead.
I backed up and lost feeling in my leg. I had to hold onto the counter for support.
"Who are you?!" Kimmon asked, partially scared.
"She didn't know where they were. Trust me. She'd have you do her dirty work and then kill you off. I'd know." He spoke with a serious and alarming tone. "Now follow me."
"Why should we trust you?" I asked.
"Bas, did God never tell you about me?" He asked. "My name is Max."
"God, who were you on the phone with?" I asked.
"My non-identical twin brother. Max. One day, things will result in you meeting him in an unexpected, potentially dangerous way. But you must trust him." He said, scaring me.
"A-alright," I said, not wanting to believe him.
He pulled me in and hugged me as if our time was limited. "I love you, Bas."
"I love you too." I said.
"But if-when you meet Max, trust him. He will help you. He will protect you. You'll be safe with him." He said.
"I prefer to be safe with you." I said.
"I prefer to be the one to protect you too." He said, a tear forming in his eye.
I wiped it and kissed his soft lips.
End of flashback*
"Max. God's brother." I mumbled, making the realization.
    "That'd be correct. I'll explain later. Right now, we must leave." He said and grabbed me by the wrist, along with Kimmon, and ran us to the car.

Hi, sorry I couldn't stick to my schedule! I honestly think the chapters come out better when I don't have a time frame and when I'm in the mood to write. I've been in the mood to write a lot lately so I made a lot of chapters that I'll be posting probably weekly. Love you guys and I thank you all for all of the support! I thank you guys a lot but I really appreciate it!💗💗 THANKS SO MUCH FOR 12K READS!!

Forbiddingly Falling For The Boss | GodxBas (2Moons Pha and Yo)Where stories live. Discover now