Chapter 1: First Encounter

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It was a new start, a refreshing start, to a long memorable journey of (Y/N)'s life. A whole new world where she would be able to make many new friends at the most unexpected places. She took in a deep breath of the cool air as she aimlessly wandered around.

(Y/N) swung open the doors to a majestic blueberry cafe located near her new school. In a short moment she was able to witness the aesthetic arrangements that the store owner had previously positioned.

As (Y/N) approached the counter, she noticed many other students that seemed to go to her new school. They all wore the same black and white blazers that her school claimed to be their uniform. She adored the fact that her school had uniforms, she thought it was very stylish.

She began examining the decorations around the cafe in much more detail. After scanning the room, she took time to consider her choices on the menu.

The girl took a glance at the cashier before being kindly greeted.

"I would like a small blueberry white tea with honey please," (Y/N) stated.

The cashier gave a kind smile and nodded his head, "That will be $5.78."

(Y/N) paid for her drink and walked towards the area where she would receive her order. As she patiently waited for her drink, a boy with beautiful black hair stood beside her. He wore very tinted sunglasses as if he was hiding his identity. He also wore her school uniform with a grey scarf, and carried many items in his hands.

It just so happened that one of his many items fell. Both he and (Y/N) knelt down to pick up his item, which caused his sunglasses to fall and expose his deep blue eyes. Some of the cafe's customers looked at this scenario. Unexpectedly, all the girls in the cafe squealed.

"Akihiko! COME HANG OUT WITH US!!!" many of the girls screamed.

(Y/N) was blinded by flashes of their cameras as the boy, Akihiko, shoved his dropped item into her hands and dashed quickly towards the door. The girls immediately followed him while screaming louder each and every second in hope to reach the running boy's ear.

"Not this again," the cafe owner expressed with a sigh, "Akihiko always creates such chaos. I may actually need to ban him from our cafe."

Many metal chairs were scattered on the ground in many different directions. Some were even broken! (Y/N) assumed that this was caused when the girls ran after Akihiko. Looking at the boy's item that was placed in her hands, she placed it into her schoolbag in hope that she would be able to return it. Out of pure generosity, she helped restore the chairs to their original positions.

"Oh, you're still here," the owner exclaimed. "It's surprising that you didn't run after that handsome boy. What a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah. I'm not ready to chase after such popular boys yet," she replied with a small chuckle.

"Here's your order," the server said as she handed (Y/N) her drink, "thanks for picking up the chairs."

(Y/N) gave a slight and polite bow and waved her goodbyes, then she left the cafe and continued her somewhat long journey towards her new school.

The girl was happily sipping away at her hot tea in the cold weather while humming her favorite tunes. Suddenly she was startled as she spotted Akihiko hiding behind a wall near her school. He was squatting down and peering from behind the wall, probably waiting for a chance to escape the girls. She approached the male from behind to return the item that was previously shoved into her arms.

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