Chapter 30: Investigation

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After hours of searching on a small lead, many investigators were gathered in a heavily wooded area to conduct a thorough search of the forest. Through a tip from an anonymous caller, police were able to receive a small hint as to where the body of Sakae Kobayashi may have been deposited. 

Although the Kobayashi household had been holding up on a lot of hope, evidence pointed to the death of the young teenager. 

"There's a body here!" someone yelled out in pure alarm after several shrieks rang out.

People were quickly dismissed as the police department and other examiners approached the decaying body. It was not immediately obvious that the body may have belonged to Sakae; however, the approximate height was a correlating feature. 

Soon after, the body was taken in for an autopsy. The perpetrator or perpetrators were definitely driven by a load of hatred. The medical examiner was overwhelmed by the amount of hits that the female girl withstood before her time of death. Frankly, her body was certainly not a sight you would want to ever see.

Unfortunately for the family, dental records proved that the body was indeed Sakae Kobayashi. 

In as much detail as possible, the medical examiner explained to the investigators that Sakae was bounded by pieces of rope (which were not located at the scene) and shot three times in her left leg. It also appeared that her body was also used as a dart board as there were indications of puncture wounds in her abdominal area. The incisions left in her skin had shown the force and direction that the sharp object must have travelled in order to leave such markings. As the final act of indignation, the female was killed execution style - four bullet straight through the center of her forehead.

Nevertheless, there was not even one spec of clue left behind by the murder/s. There was this one exception - a singular bullet left perfectly adjacent beside Sakae's body. There were no special markings left by attachments (such as a suppressor), and the bullet was also a very common ammunition which could be purchased. Not to mention that it was a recent model that was manufactured at large amounts since the company was fairly popular. A .22-caliber bullet. Although using such a weapon required a license, those within the vicinity of the prefecture were all questioned and all surprisingly had an alibi. The investigators were stumped by this fact. It could be possible that one of their alibis could have been faked; however, they could not spends hours researching such a vague lead.

The single bullet was clearly left to taunt the professionals as the case was certain to go cold. 

Even the anonymous caller could not be traced. The call was performed through a public payphone in an area where there were no security cameras. There were also no witnesses or civilians nearby to identify the mysterious person. The caller was simply unidentifiable. The payphone had no fingerprints on it, and it appeared as though it had not been touched for ages.

How could the killer/s leave no information, no DNA, no hints? Not even a faint marking of a fingerprint could be acquired. There was no doubt that the criminal/s were professionals, or they could just be very meticulous in their work.

"Many cases go cold, don't fret too much about this Renner," the lead detective's assistant assured.

Renner was not one who would abandon a case as horrifying as this one. He wanted to provide the family with closure and clear the world of yet another criminal.

His table was littered with packages of instant coffee as Renner had not bothered with throwing away his litter.

"How? I just don't understand. We've brushed through the criminal databases, spoken to classmates, and even interrogated a few of them," Renner pulled on his hair stressfully.

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