Chapter 18: Kidnapped

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Over the course of a few minutes, (Y/N) had worked up a schedule with Antidote. They had decided to meet within a few hours since it was still early in the morning.

Although her family was quite hesitant at first, they had decided that allowing the girl to hang out with her saviours wouldn't be such a bad idea. Not to mention, Akihiko came from a family of doctors; just in case she gets any more panic attacks.

"Mom, for the last time, I'll be fine," (Y/N) sighed.

"So you'll call me when you get there, and when you leave. Are you sure Akihiko's parents will be there?" Xavier asked. "Your mother and I are just being careful. Do you need a drive?"

"It's alright dad, Akihiko just lives a few blocks away. There's not point of driving me," the teenager reasoned.

After a while of questioning, so to speak - interrogation. (Y/N) was permitted to head out on her own.

(Y/N) headed up the stairs as quick as a cheetah as she hopped over her own suitcases diligently. The few hours that she had left, before the 'goodbye party', was wasted through her parent's pestering. However, she still loved the fact that her parents were extremely worried for her wellbeing.

The girl removed all articles of clothing on her body before snuggling into a long-sleeved shirt, and a cardigan. She also wore a pair of comfortable black pants.

"I can't believe that you would leave me with our nagging parents," José whined while leaning against her doorway.

"Well, it's not my fault that you don't have any friends," she retorted.

José pouted playfully while barging into her room once again. He collapsed onto her bed while throwing stuffed animals at her.

"Ow! Stop that!" (Y/N) exclaimed angrily while running at José with her fists balled up.

José pranced around the room playfully while blocking her hits with a nearby pillow.

"You coward! Come face me like a real man," (Y/N) taunted while kicking her legs in his direction a few times.

"Never!" José chuckled girlishly while exiting her room.

With a big smile on her face, (Y/N) continued to prepare for her little visit. With only a few minutes remaining, she bundled up into a giant puff ball.

"I'm leaving!" (Y/N) shouted.

"Oh wait," Xavier said while walking his daughter to the door, "I'm just gonna watch you leave."

Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) stepped out into the bright outdoors. Today was a prefect day for building snowmans and sledding. Especially since the sky was so clear.

As she went along her way, the girl rolled up a little ball of snow before rolling it along the snowy sidewalk. Her hands were red from the cold, but at this point she was too numb to realize.

Xavier's eyes never left his daughter's fading form until she was a speck of dust from a distance. After she left, he started to wish her a safe journey with his wife.


"You're here!" Akihiko greeted at the door.

Akihiko wore a light grey hoodie and dark jeans, which the girl couldn't help but realize that it suited his style prefectly. Once the girl entered his house, she was hit with a sense of nostalgia. She immediately called her parents, who were extremely glad that she made it safely. Stepping into the boy's living room, she found everyone already gathered around a large kotatsu.

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