Chapter 19: Taunting

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"What do you mean, 'No'? Have you gone daft boy?!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

Joey wasn't paying much attention to the words that left her mouth; rather he found her confined form quite enticing.

"Excuse me. What happened to my personal bubble?" she asked as Joey started to inch towards her.

"Hun, you don't have any personal space with us around," Joey purred.

Immediately he goes in for a kiss. Surprisingly, she opened her mouth willingly; however, she wasn't giving in. Knowing that resistance would be futile, she opted for another option. Joey felt his tongue sting as she bit down hard enough to draw blood. In searing pain he moved away, only to have spit land on his face from the girl. Then she continued to taunt him by kicking his shins using her free legs. Instead of the reaction that (Y/N) desired, Joey laughed like a maniac.

"You're so précieuse," he exclaimed as he leaned close to her face once again.

He noticed that (Y/N) was still holding up a strong demeanour, so he decided to try and irritate her. Sticking out his tongue once again, he licked her nose. In return she tried to wipe her face, only to realize that she couldn't move due to the bonds. She scrunched up her face, only to barely touch the tip of her nose with the cupid's bow.

"Ohhh! I'm so killing you!" She yelled in anger.

Joey smiled happily at her state as he walked away while humming a familiar tune.

Je t'aime, je t'aime


I am forever yours

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams

Mon cher

You're always in my prayer

Shivering in disgust, (Y/N) had yet to realize the true dangers of her situation. To be fair, it is difficult to imagine that your closest friends had kidnapped you. In reality, she was still holding onto the illusion that this was a nasty prank.


Almost instantly, Akihiko entered the room, "What do you need? Food? Water?"

"No, I need to be freaking released!" she replied while rolling her eyes.

"Is that it? I thought that you were actually in trouble," Akihiko sighed in relief.

"I am in trouble! As far as I can tell, my flight either left or is leaving soon!"

"No need to worry. You won't need that flight anymore."

"Is this some sort of an elaborate prank? Cause you guys really have to snap out of it. This. Isn't. Funny. Anymore."

"Oh, but we're quite serious."

Looking as confused as ever, (Y/N) was using all of her brain power to process this situation. If...if, this really was a kidnapping, what could they possibly want from her? Revenge for Sakae? Possibly money, but they were already rich in all aspects. She tried to think back to a time where she had done something wrong to them, but the only recollection she had was when she pranked them.

"If this was truly a kidnapping. What could you gain from taking me away?" (Y/N) finally asked calmly.

"Your love," Akihiko responded while playing with the hem of her shirt. 

"My love? Sorry, this is not how you get someone to love you. Have you never touched a romance novel in your life? Now if you could free me, Akihiko, I'll recommend you with some good references," she suggested.

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