Chapter 26: A Temporary Mend

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Oh boy! This book hit 20k. I just want to thank everyone once again ❣ Happy readings.
- Carrot Jam


Congee dripped down the girl's chin as Henrik fed her the watery and burning liquid. She couldn't tell if she was the one shivering in his presence or if he was the one who was too cautious, causing the sustenance to miss her mouth every time.

"Sorry. Sorry," Henrik apologized for the third time in a row.

"Just give it to me," Joey groaned in frustration.

Kaoru, who was lying on a couch, grunted in pain as he sat up from his position. His eyes watered despite the clear anger in his eyes as he stared down Henrik.

"Stop overexerting yourself," Akihiko demanded as he pushed Kaoru harshly into the couch.

"I will do whatever I want to do," Kaoru snapped back at Henrik while forcing his body upwards.

The stress in his abdomen caused the tear to open up again as Kaoru released a terrifying scream. The stitches that Akihiko had sewn had snapped which reopened the wound once again. Without a doubt, the flesh in that area had teared.

Hearing the horror of Kaoru's scream, the female slammed her body against the wall and under a blanket. She could care less that Henrik was now drenched with congee.

"Awe, it's alright (Y/N)," Joey cooed with honey lacing his voice, "Kaoru's just a little hurt, that's all."

"A little?!" Kaoru yelled while gritting his teeth. "Why I outta-"

"Calm down!" Akihiko exclaimed as he tied Kaoru down with some rough ropes.

"What?! Where did you get this?" Kaoru screamed louder than ever.

Joey took extra care for the female as he slammed his hands over her ears. His soft words and husky voice surprisingly soothed the girl. His minty breath fanned her face gently as he continued whispering close to her.

When Kaoru stopped yelling, Joey brushed the tears off of her cheeks.

"You're cheeks are so soft," Joey praised her.

Even with his calming words earlier, this set her off. She scooted away from the male as he observed her physical withdrawal.

"Your red lips; I want to kiss them everyday," Joey chuckled lowly.

"Well, no you can't..." (Y/N) answered in sniffly and fearful voice.

Hiding herself under the thick blanket once again, she did all that she could to hide from the males that practically surrounded her.

She had squished herself into a tight ball at the corner of the room as the darkness under the blanket enveloped her.

"Come on out of there," Henrik coaxed the female. "Everyone misses your lovely face."

(Y/N) shook her head, hoping that the boys will get the message and give her space.

"Love, we're not going to do anything to you, I was just joking," Joey chuckled at her defensiveness.

A few audible clicks were heard as Joey squealed happily.

"Send those to me," Henrik whispered to Joey who had taken a few pictures of (Y/N) as he proceeded to add it to a specific album in his phone.

"Come on sweetie. I'll give you cake later," Joey suggested again.

With a heave, Henrik had lifted the girl up from her little comfort zone, "You must be boiling at that corner, since it's 90° there."

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