Chapter 12: Searching

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No one could wake José up. He was lying as still as a stone. His eyes were shut so tightly it seemed as if it would be impossible to pry then open.

"Why won't he wake up?!" Kaoru shouted aggressively.

Kaoru was a ticking bomb ready to explode. His frantic pacing was not helping anyone. In fact, it appeared as if he would rip out all his hair by now.

"Calm down. It's alright. She'll be alright. She's a strong girl," Joey reassured.

The words that flowed out of Joey's mouth seemed to be to reassure only himself, but it was clearly not working.

José was the one and only factor that was holding all of their sanity. In all honestly, their sanity was hanging on a thin line. At last, they decided that it was time for action instead of loitering around.

"Let's just go find her," Akihiko suggested.

After a short moment of pondering, all of Antidote nodded their heads. They couldn't just stand around dilly-dallying, they wanted action, and they wanted it now.

Recalling the direction that José came from, Kaoru was the first to make a move, "That way everyone."

The boy band moved along with a small group of men. They had a few mandatory supplies that would keep them alive for a few days; however, with the amount of people in this search mission, it was soon evident that they would have to return to civilisation for more needs. No one dared to speak. This was not the time for small talk. Occasionally one of the various men would mumble a slight complain about the cold, Kaoru would make sure to shoot them a menacing glance everytime they uttered a word.

"Is there reception out here?" Joey asked while rummaging his pockets for his phone.

"One bar, at most," Henrik replied shortly.

The snowfall was falling at a heavier pace. At this point, the snow felt like hard pellets smacking their faces. Nevertheless, they were not willing to give up. No one was certain about the state that (Y/N) was in, and that greatly concerned them regarding the time that they would have left to find her.

Joey looked around to analyze everyone's condition, they all seemed to require emotional support, especially Kaoru.

"Remember when you kept following (Y/N)'s player around while gaming?" Joey asked in attempt to crack up a conversation.

Kaoru thought for a moment before a small smile escape his lips, "Yeah, couldn't let anyone shoot at her."

"You're so overprotective," Joey commented in a playful tone.

"In a good way, right?" Kaoru asked in an equally as playful yet threatening way.



The basement, which (Y/N) was locked in, was cold. Very cold. She could feel herself shivering slightly against the binds.

A few moments ago she had woken up to the worst sensation in the world. After a relapse of the situation that she was stuck in, she thanked everyone she knew that she was alive. Her breathing was scratchy and sparse, but it was certainly manageable.

The broken bed that she was chained upon had no mattress. Just a slightly dented and fractured bed frame. The cold metal would occasionally brush her skin and send goosebumps up her arms. The window was also wide open, and although it was small in size, the wind that would blow at her, would cause her to curl up into a ball. Her ribs would protest at this movement, but it was the best she could do to be insulated. The young girl would also try breathing into her legs for warmth, but with the recent development, breathing proved to be highly difficult as is.

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