I miss you...

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-Almost there..., Kino sat in one place. The sky was grey and the air was filled with mist. The sea almost looked like it was black. Kino soon heard low singing.

-Everyone! Cover your ears! Just like I said!

Few of his men was able to do it before they got affected.. But not all of them was able to do it. Kino rolled his eyes and sighed.

-Why can't I be stronger already?, he muttered to himself and stood up again. He didn't need to cover his ears. For some strange reason he didn't need to. The song got higher and higher. Kino soon saw women sit on different rocks, singing. Few of his men began to attack the others. Kino sighed again. Why were they all idiots? They won't be able to shot one of their own comrade. The sirens tried to sing louder and louder but it still didn't affect Kino. They thought it was very weird. They thought he might be deaf or something. Kino looked at his men who was fighting each other. He quickly went to the wheel to avoid going into one of the rocks.

-Do I need to do everything now? I really can't trust them... I can only trust myself..., Kino then felt the pain in his chest again. He closed his eyes for just a second and didn't notice that one of the sirens slid down from the rock and appeared on the boat. She turned into another form.. But who? Kino soon opened his eyes and saw yellow eyes looking at him.

-Goku?, Kino looked at him but noticed he didn't have cat ears on. He soon began to smirk.

-Heh, nice try, Kino smirked. The fake Goku's eyes widened when he noticed that Kino's eyes turned purple. The siren soon turned back to her original form and was about to escape but it was already too late... Kino stabbed her right though the heart. He smirked even more. The ship stopped to move. Kino looked at the sirens and noticed all of them stare.

-Now... Which one of you is the leader?, he asked. Black smoke surrounded him slowly.

While Kino was attacking the sirens all by himself, Himura got beaten up badly. He didn't even know why.. He knew that he was stronger than his comrades. Was it maybe because he was meeting against Akiyama? Not like he liked him... Not even as a friend. Or was it because he had to beat all of them by himself? Himura tried and tried, even though he was covered in his own blood. He still failed.

After a while, everything went silent. Kino appeared back at the ship. Most of his men had collapsed. But Kino just stepped over them and went to the wheel again. Himura coughed and tried to stand up. Although he was the most injured one.

-Y-your H-Highness..., Himura said. Kino slowly turned around.

-Huh?, he let out a very displeased and annoyed sound. Himura noticed Kino's eyes being purple. Himura's eyes widened and soon blinked but they returned to red.

-N-nothing..., Himura looked down again and Kino began to walk towards the wheel. Himura soon blacked out and had no idea where they were heading anymore. Kino slowly began to smirk once again. The ship was surrounded with black smoke once again.

-Fly, Kino said and the ship soon lifted up in the air. Kino continued to smirk and began to control the ship with the smoke.

-Hehehehehe... If I can control these powers more and make them mine... I will be unstoppable!, Kino laughed. He didn't even notice anymore the pain in his chest.


Himura slowly opened his eyes again. He felt large pain in his head and arm. He blinked few times before he could see that he was castle's infirmary. His eyes widened and soon sat up but he felt even more pain.

-Ow..., he groaned.

-Himura, you need to rest. Lay back down again, a female voice was soon heard. Himura saw her long red hair and calming green eyes. She had freckles and a scar on one of her eyes.

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