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Your P.O.V

The both of you go on a walk and see the beautiful landscape I'm front. There was beautiful Sweet peas and Larkspurs. And this massive Butterfly bush that was all around the side walks. There were some rose bushes and lavender bush. Just pure beauty. "This flowers are really pretty." You bent down to smell the roses. "Yea but has beautiful as someone I know." He said. "And who is that??" "Oh I don't know the one that is smelling the roses." "Aww Ethan that's so sweet of you." You are blushing a slightly pink color. You guys have known each other for almost a year now. And that was the first time he actually finished a complement. "But I'm serious you are very pretty you tell me all the time that you are ugly and you are not. Why can you see that. I bet you almost all the boys in your school must have liked you once in this school year. I mean I fell in love with you when I first met you. And I've tried so hard to show you that and i think you didn't realize until now." You were blushing a dark red. "...I have noticed Ethan and I-I also fell in love with you over the time it's just..it's very hard for me to open up to guy or even a friend like the way I have with you. You make me feel safe ever since that incident in the coffee shop. The way you stood up for me..which I could've handle it myself..it was very sweet of you to do that..you are truly my hero..my knight in shining armor..well my blue knight in shining amor." You stand up and play with his hair. You both were blushing. You linked your arm with his and laid your head in his shoulder. You guys continued your walk through the park until you guys came back to the place you guys first started.
Ethan's P.O.V

"Wanna head home?" "Sure.." "Ask your mom if I can stay again." "Sure thing let me just call her." She pulls out her phone and calls her mom. "Hey Mom can Ethan stay over again...Mom he is not my..ugh...mom he is right here stop embarrassing me...mom I just need a yes or no...ok thank you bye now." She hung up and I started laughing. "What's so funny." "God I love your mother she is the most funniest person ever." She smiled and said. "She said that you can stay over again." "YAY!!" She laughed we went inside my car. "I need to go to my house for a sec to get some things." "Like what?" "My toothbrush and other shit like that." "You are only staying for a day not a whole week." "Well your mom and I talked and I asked her if I can stay over for I week the next time you asked her if I can stay." She blushed. "Oh..." This is going to be the best week ever!

AN:Hey guys I was bored (like always) and I made another chapter I might make more but this one is my favorite one that I've ever had so far hope you guys enjoyed it✌️-Mel

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