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Your P.O.V

He started the car. Like when you first entered the car you turned on the radio, the song 'Free Now' by Sleeping with sirens came on. You laid back into the car seat calmly enjoying the music. You sighed softly and closed your eyes. You were so glad that you had found someone else that turly loves you for who you truly are, not someone they can just use and then throw away. You looked out the window and looked out the beautiful world outside, you guys went past the park and you saw the little children play outside and it made you think about what child you would like to have when you grow a little older. Ethan started humming to the song which made you relax a little more and forget all your troubles, you smiled calmly. He looked over to you and saw that you were happy and relaxed, thats what he always wanted to see. You always admired the way that he always surpried you with little things, like today, you guys originally wanted to go to the park, but instead he took you to the first place you two ever met, you wanted to repay him in the same way but you didn't know how, eventually something will pop up. You started day dreaming, you were at home with Ethan but you heard a little child's voice.

"Momma Papa i wanna be a dancer when i grow up." "Just like Momma??" "Yes just like you Momma." "Come here Sera." You hold your beautiful daughters hand and started to teach her some basic dance things. "You always have to stretch first. It's very important." "Yea I know Momma I see you doing it all the time." She smiled with her eyes closed, just like how Ethan does it. "Awww, Ethan look she is doing the same face as you." "Honey, I don't make that face." "Yes you do Ethan." He came over to you and kissed you on the lips. "Ewwwwwwwww MOMMA PAPA EWWWWWWW." The both of you laughed. "You are just the cutest Sera." You went down into a split. [which I can do I'm actually a dancer *clicks tongue and point her finger* (I hate myself 😂)]. Sera tried to go down into a split but couldn't all the way, you heard Ethan whistle in the background. "Momma?" "Yes, darling." "How do you do that all the way?" You need to practice more I'm sure you will get it someday." "Oh ok Momma."

"Y/N!" You jumped when you heard Ethan yelling your name. "We are home." "Oh...I'm sorry I was Day dreaming." "What was it about." You blushed, "Um...it was about you and me having a little daughter and me and her were dancing together in this big dance studio...it was really cute." He smiled. "I've always wanted a daughter." "Yea me too." He leaned forward to you and kissed your lips softly. You both smiled. "God, I love you." He said. "I love you too, I love you so much." You said quietly. "We should probably get inside..." You said nervously. "Oh...yea."

AN: Hey guys I'm back it's currently 4:36 am and I'm still awake. I was really bored so I decided to write again I hope you enjoyed this story, love you all-Mel

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