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Ethan's P.O.V

This is going to be great. "Then where are we going Ethan" "We are going somewhere to eat, then if you want we can go the park." "Sure, that will be fine with me." Im going to take her to the first place we met, the restaurant that I worked in, don't get me wrong I still work there. She lools out the window with those beautiful (whatever eye color you have) eyes that she has she truly is very beautiful. Can't help falling in love cover by Twenty-one pilots came on. I turned up the volume and started singing, she joined in as well.

~small time skip~

"We are here." "Where are we." "Remember that restaurant we met in." "Yea..." "That's where we are right now, I thought it would be cute  and take you on a date here." "Aww, that's so sweet of you Ethan." "I know." She smiles and giggles, I smile at her and I park the car. I turn the car off and get out, I go over to her side and open the car up for her [i want a man like that ughhh] "Madam." I hear her giggle. "Why thank you, my good sir." She slightly bows and I bow back. We both laugh at ourselves. She heads down to the registration desk. "Oh hello there Ethan." one of my co-workers says. "Hey Melanie." "How are you doing." I can tell she is trying to flirt with me. "Im doing fine, can you just take our order." "Our?" She pokes out behind me and waves. "Hello." "Oh... Hello." 


We sit at our table, waiting for our food to arrive. She starts talking about how school is stressful for her. "But I thought digital art was easy." "you are very wrong there, you need to learn how to use the tablet and how to manage everything, it's very complicated, its too much." "Then just drop out." "WHAT!!!! NO, I CANT DO THAT IF MY MOM FINDS OUT THAT I DID SHE WILL KILL ME, I CANT." "I did and look at me I run a youtube channel with 427,535 subs and I am an editor for the YouTuber Markiplier." "Wait you edit for Mark, omg I love Mark he is very funny." "Yea I know, the sad thing is that he lives all the way in LA and we live here in Maine." "But we can always fly over there." "True we can but it's too much money." "We can always save up money you may never know Ethan." "Yea." The waiter comes out with our food. "Ooo looks really good." "It really does, thank you." "No problem."

~well, can you guess what this is....It's A TIME SKIP~

"God I ate too much." She said with her hands on her stomach [MEEEEE]. "Why didn't you stop me, me, now we can't go to the park because of my food baby." "im sorry, but this kinda funny, maybe we can go to the park tomorrow. "How is this funny, and sure." "I find it funny because you called your big stomach a food baby." "ha ha ha ha sooooo funny." She looked at me with a kinda mad face but then she smiled. "wanna go home?" "DUH!" "Ok." I giggled at her. I called the waiter over for the bill and I paid for the meal. I helped her get out of the booth we sat in, I had to also help her get in the car. She is truly a very funny girl. Tonight was very fun.

AN: Hello again guys sorry for the late update but I might make another chapter later on tonight. None of my friends want to talk to me so I have more time to make chapters. I'm also listening to Sleeping with sirens so that's lit but I am very lonely. Anyways love you all-Mel

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