TB | A Cutie Pie

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TB | A Cutie Pie

Tori Philips was the girl people would call "big" or even "fat". In the second grade she already started puberty in the growth of her boobs, and she was already showing stretchmarks at the age of ten. Not only was she over weight, but she was luckily enough to be considered as a "pretty big girl" by the rules and policy of social media and other people. She was actually sitting between that boundary line between "thick" and "fat" which meant that she was going to be slipping into one categories sooner or later.

Everything really changed as she got older growing up. She had a older sister named Ariana who got in shape when she realized that she wanted to change for the better. It all started in highschool, Ariana was so athletic and Tori was the opposite. Tori wasn't all about physical exercise and she didn't realize how important it was before it was just too late. She was over two hundred pounds when she finished highschool and she gradually started adding even more weight. Her thighs, her sides, her stomach, and her arm fat all increased as the days went by.

Soon enough she slipped into some type of slum. Tori didn't know what to do with her life. She would sit around doing nothing all day as she witnessed people on her Instagram feed showing off their body and their accomplishments. Most of the time Tori was jealous of her older sister because Ariana had the will to lose weight and she didn't. Ariana was a big girl herself but she decided that it would be better to lose that weight and that is exactly what she did. Being an older sister gave her a strong mindset, just not for Tori.

Here she was at the age of twenty-five living quite a boring life. She worked Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at the bank from 7am to 2pm. It wasn't the exciting job in the world but at least she had a job to pay the bills in her apartment. Tori was anti-social so she didn't have friends of any kind, and her big sister was a personal trainer so she would most likely be busy. So Tori was usually by herself and she didn't see a problem with it. At the same time she did see a problem.

"Are you okay Tori?" Asked her big sister in concern, she was so pretty and it made her younger sibling quite jealous.

"M'fine," Tori hums scrolling down her Twitter feed on her phone boringly.

"Have you considered working out with me? Ya know..have some sister bonding time?" And to top it off, her older sister was nice as hell too.

"Dunno," Tori shrugs not really wanting to tell her no, so she just pushed it to the side.

It was a fresh start to this year, meaning it was the first week of January and once again Tori was going to keep doing what she has been doing for the past couple of years.

And that was absolutely nothing.

As much as Tori wanted to manage her weight she couldn't muster up the strength to actually do something about it. So she just..chilled.

"I don't understand what you're talking about ma'am. This painting is perfect and I have worked hours on this," says a familiar deep accented voice which caused Tori to turn her head, and she was instantly greeted with her pissed off art teacher Zayn Malik himself.

"There is something not right with it," says the older woman looking at the painting with a frown.

Tori bit her bottom lip and released it from her teeth. He was looking mighty fine today and him looking upset had her hormones going off. Zayn was probably the sexiest man she has ever laid eyes on.

"What is not right with it? Does it not fit your theme? You gave me personal detail of what you want and I did the best that I could," Zayn stressed.

"I would tell you but I can't," sighs the woman.

The pretty girl herself decided to do something about this little situation. It seems like Zayn had tried his best to please this woman with an outstanding painting of his but it also seems like she isn't liking it too much.

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