TB | Nightly Visits

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TB | Nightly Visits

After Tori left unexpectedly yesterday Zayn has been texting her and calling her non-stop, yet she has not responded to him. It worried him knowing that he could have possibly done something wrong to have her not talk to him. He didn't want to start like this, and he definitely didn't want to go back to him not noticing her. That woman has done to many things to him and she had no idea how many nights he laid awake just thinking about her. He didn't know what was going on with himself or his feelings.

He didn't understand why she would be all confident and flirty one second then the next second she would be insecure and shy. Zayn doesn't know a lot about her past relationships and how they went, all he knew is that she had an ex who cheated on her with another girl who was fairly skinny and fit. Having to put that together now just makes him feel like a real idiot. Zayn should have known from the start that she was insecure but he was totally blindsided by her small lies telling him she is fine even though she really isn't.

It wasn't entirely his fault that he didn't know that Amber confronted Tori, of course she wasn't going to tell him that because she was a hundred perfect sure that he was going to do something about it. All this petty drama didn't start happening until Zayn finally recognized Tori as an individual. They have been on her ass ever since Zayn first sat in the back of the class with her. All envious, they started picking on her, and for what? That their sexy art teacher doesn't like them and that he prefers Tori over all of them? It was honestly ridiculous.

What really surprised him is how Tori didn't show up to his Tuesday class. He knew that she didn't have work today, so why didn't she show up? Is Tori mad at him? Does not want to come anymore? Everything about this situation bothers him so much. He had to be in a room with a bunch of horny girls drooling over him while he tried to explain different types of shading techniques. It made him uncomfortable how they gawked at everything he did and how they just wanted to devour his soul. And honestly, he just wanted his Tori.

After smoking a cigarette he decided that he would go over Tori's place and hopefully talk things out. This whole situation made him antsy which caused for him to light one up. It was nearly midnight but he didn't care because he needed to see her. On top of everything, it was raining which added to his problems because he didn't bring a hoodie whatsoever.

Showing up uninvited was a little risky since she hasn't talked to him. But after taking a deep breath, he got out of his car and walked up her porch steps to get to her front door where he soon knocked about three times.

"Who is it?" Says the sweet voice loud and clear on the other side.

"It's Zayn," he says as the rain poured down hard on him.

Seconds later the door opened to reveal the honey skinned goddess who was only in a super oversized graphic shirt. He didn't been get to process his words before next thing you know he was being pulled in the apartment.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Worry was definitely clear in Tori's eyes as she looked at the damp man now standing in her house.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to check up on you because you have not returned any of my calls or messages," Zayn says in a soft voice. "Especially since you didn't show up to my class today, then how you left early without even saying a goodbye to me yesterday."

Tori took one step back and sighed, "I'm sorry Zayn."

"What's going on baby? You know you can tell me anything," Zayn says gently.

"This is just a complicated time for me and it's hard to explain everything to you," she murmurs looking down at her toes.

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