TB | Code B

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TB | Code B

Time was drawing close and almost everybody was on the edge. It was only a matter of days until Tori was about to pop this baby out. Everybody was staying at the Malik's residence for the sake of getting to the hospital faster since the house was located close. The house was full of the following people; Yaser, Trisha, Doniya, Waliyah, Safaa, Zayn, Tori, Milo, Ariana, Dominee, and Mila were all in one house. A total of ten and a half people were camped at the Malik's mansion for the support of Tori and the little baby.

Her belly was really round and her body has transformed right before her Zayn's eyes. She was such a beautiful woman and going through her pregnancy journey made Zayn grew fascinated at the different perks and aspects. Her ass, her boobs, her thighs, and her lips were all full and bigger which caused Zayn to grow heavily attracted to her. Not to mention that she was extremely horny at times and that was definitely a bonus for Zayn. She kept him on his toes and he couldn't help but to fall even more in love with this insanely gorgeous woman.

As the months went on Tori grew very cranky and needy. She was grew very stubborn and decided that she would want to wait until they the baby came instead of being at the hospital right now. Her fiancé thought otherwise but Zayn didn't argue or that would result them to bicker back and forth and he did not want to argue with a sassy pregnant lady so he just went with the flow. Afterall, he was around his family and that is all he could ever want. He wasn't alone and he was grateful that his family welcomed all of them.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Trisha asks coming in the living room where the pregnant lady sat with pinched eyebrows at she watched Criminal Minds on the big screen.

Tori's head turned at the sound of her future mother-in-law's sweet voice, she smiled slightly at the woman, "I feel alright, but have you seen Zayn?"

"He's in the den with your brother and his wife. She's teaching him how to sign so he can communicate with your brother," Trisha says placing a cup of warm tea in front of her.

Tori gushed, "Oh really? He's learning how to sign?"

"Yes, and he's getting good at it too," Trisha chuckles. "I never seen him so passionate to learn something. Even when he came home to school, all he ever cared about was art, and now he's learning to speak sign language."

"Oh Trisha..I love your son," Tori swoons with a bright smile on her face.

"He loves you even more darling," Trisha giggles placing a kiss on her forehead. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay, thank you mother!" Tori waves.

Soon enough Doniya and Ariana walked in the living room holding their niece Mila. The big sisters and the small child took a seat next to Tori just to check up on her.

"Hey Mila, you ready to met your baby cousin?" Tori cooed at her niece who had no facial expression.

"She has no idea what what you're talking about," Ariana laughs.

"At least she isn't going to be alone," Doniya shrugs. "She's going to have a little cousin running around soon."

"I can't to see my little niece," Ariana gushes rubbing her baby sister's stomach.

"Me neither," Doniya sighs happily.

"The doctor says she's going to be a big baby," Tori says rubbing her big belly.

"Like daughter, like mother," Ariana murmurs.

Tori gave her a blank stare, "Really?"

"What? You were a chunky baby," Ariana tells her.

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