TB | Project Five

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TB | Project Five

"Who's that little boy our daughter's playing with?" Zayn asks curiously looking at the two little people who was playing in the water together.

"That's their son," Tori says nodding to the couple who was also watching the two of them play.

Zayn crossed his arms over his chest, "He looks like a heartbreaker."

Tori giggled and laced their fingers together, "Babe, she's only a few months old, okay?"

"So? She can learn the game early," Zayn shrugs keeping his eye out for his little girl.

"You're so overprotective," Tori giggles nudging he husband's side playfully.

It was only a matter of months after Evie Michelle Malik was born. She looked exactly like her mother and acts like her too. When she was born she came out as a pretty big baby. Tori was like that when she was born so she didn't see the big surprise in it. She was going to love this precious creature with all of her heart, and she is going to give all the affection Evie needs from her mother. Tori has developed the sweetest soft spot for her baby girl, and she is going to love this child forever.

"He's getting a little touchy," Zayn murmurs underneath his breath as he watched the dark skinned boy standing fairly close to his little girl.

Tori looked at her daughter and gushed, "Aw, they're holding hands."

"He's taking it a little too far," Zayn grumbled, he could feel his fatherly instincts kicking in and all he wanted to do was create some distance between the two kids.

Tori tilted his chin and gave him an unexpected kiss on the lips, she pulled away and looked at him in his pretty hazel eyes, "Calm down big daddy, okay? No need to worry."

After Evie was born Zayn set everything to side and focused on his wife and his daughter. Those two girls were everything to him and he couldn't help but to fall in love with them every single day. Being a father and being a husband were the greatest things he has ever accomplished in his life. Owning his dream art studio was important but being apart of a family was much greater than anything else in the world. He loved Evie and Tori so much and he has became their backbone and their muscle when it came to this family.

"Hello, are you Evie's parents?" Asked the dark toned male with an accent, he had a dark skinned woman by his side. They were definitely a couple, and their son looked like the dad.

"Yes, I'm Tori and this is my husband Zayn," says the chubby woman greeting the both of them.

"I'm Nandi and this my boyfriend Randall," the dark skinned accented woman says, they couple shook hands with each other and offered them to sit next to them.

"We're just visiting for the summer before we go back to home to Venezuela," says Nandi. "Our son, Evan really likes Evie."

"He's such a cute little boy," Tori smiles looking a their kids.

"Thank you, and your little girl is extremely adorable," Nandi says. "She just walked over to him and they started giggling."

"She's a charmer like her mother," Zayn says tapping his wife's knee which caused her to blush at his sly words.

"Yeah, she's a really sweet girl and my son has been smiling for the last thirty minutes now," Randall chuckled.

"Things are a bit hard back in our home country and we just want him to have a good time before we leave," Nandi sighs.

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