TB | Project Zero

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TB | Project Zero

It was the following week after the date. The plus sized woman was in the large storage closet to find some paint for her next project. Straightening back up she was greeted by the head of the Demon Squad, it was Amber herself who looked highly upset.

"Can I help you?" Tori asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You need to stay away from Zayn," she instantly threatened.

Tori chuckles, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, you heard me," Amber hissed pointing a finger at her. "I wanna get with him so I need you to stay away and—,"

"I need you to get that white skinny fucking finger out of my face," Tori swatted her finger away from her face and rolled her eyes. "Don't get fucked up by testing my patience."

"He doesn't want you by the way," stated Amber. "He doesn't like girls like..you."

"Oh you mean with the chubby stomach, the fat ass, thick thighs, big boobs, and bomb ass pussy?" She asks in amusement.

Amber's face turned sour, "You're so disgusting!"

"Keepin' it real baby," she flashed her a petty smile before walking away to her station which was in the back of the studio.

Ever since January, Amber and her little demon chipsets has been harassing her and just making her feel like utter shit. Tori knows that they are jealous but sometimes they can take it a little too far. It seems like all four girls are on a mission to embarrass her and to make sure that Zayn isn't giving her the attention that they want. They don't even come in here to paint; they come to this class to fantasize about Zayn and hopefully get to see him take his shirt off. All four of them are just overly obsessed skinny bitches.

"Dumb ass hoes," Tori murmured dipping her paintbrush in the paint. She was suppose to have a happy day but it seems like her day has went sour once again. She didn't know if it was her or the fact that those girls might he right. Maybe Zayn didn't like girls like her.

Walking back into the studio Zayn saw his cutie pie doing her thing. He had bought a new easel so he had to get it from his car resulting him to step out of the art studio for a moment. But then he noticed that something was a bit off around here.

"How was your weekend Zayn?" Amber asks batting her eyelashes at him as the rest of the group gave him flirty looks.

"It was really great actually. I went on an amazing date for Valentine's Day," Zayn smiles.

All their flirty faces dropped and soon jealousy was replaced. He figured since these four girls were so mad about him. Zayn felt a little creeped out too.

"That's..nice," Sally murmured rolling her eyes seconds after.

The four girls were always flirting and trying to get Zayn to go on dates with him. Being close to the front gave then a good view at the sexy man and gave them the ability to touch him whenever they could. The rest of the class wasn't like the four girls at all but in a way they were kinda similar. If it wasn't Amber, Sally, Kayla, or Linda hitting on him then he didn't have anybody try to flirt with him.

Most of the other girls knew that Amber and her friends didn't want anyone else to converse with Zayn. If they needed "help" on something then they would never receive tips due to being scared of Amber and her friends. Let's be honest, they had no type of talent whatsoever so there was no point of asking for "help" in the first place. But still, they rest of the girls couldn't even talk to him without being scared.

The others girls would keep their distance but they weren't afraid of eye raping him. He is the sexy art teacher and they were the four girls who kept other girls away from him in hopes of keeping him to theirselves. Again, it was really weird and quite creepy.

Then there was Tori who sat in the back everyday. Her artwork was amazing and even before he started talking to her he noticed her paintings and how beautiful they are.

Walking over to his cutie pie he took a seat and admired her painting, "This looks wicked baby."

Tori heard him loud and clear but she wasn't in the mood to talk after what happened in the storage room with Amber. Even though it was stupid, her mean words got to the chubby woman.

"Hey? Everything okay?" Zayn asked in concern as his hand tapped her knee, it was already a habit he picked up to get her attention and it worked.

"Do you like me Zayn?" She finally asks with sad eyes.

Zayn frowned, "Of course."

"You don't..you don't care that I'm big?" She asks with in a much lower voice while her dark eyes held much sadness.

Zayn was confused, "Baby, where is this coming from?"

This is the same thing she has experienced in the past. Tori asked him an important question and he didn't answer. She remembers asking him if he thought she was fat and even then he didn't answer her the way she expected. Her exes did this, and it was clear that maybe she was getting too emotional a little too early.

"Nothing..uh don't worry about it," she says shrugging it off as she looked away from him.

"Okay," was all Zayn said when he placed a kiss on her cheek.

What really hurt her the most and how easily he walked off, and how easily he gave up on trying to figure out what got her down. She knew that he was the art teacher but they both know damn well that all of the students in here aren't interested in art whatsoever. Deciding to leave early she started to pack up all of her things in her bag, and she also took her painting with her.

"Seems like she finally realized I was right," Amber snickered as well as the others did.

Zayn frowned once he saw Tori walking out that door with her things. Never once has she walked out of his class early. She always stayed until the end and always left silently. Now that she is "noticed" by Zayn he has been keeping his honey colored eyes on her because he is hoping that he is fortunate enough to make her his future woman. But he couldn't do that if things were slowly going downhill for them already.

Tori drove home in silence with many thoughts running through her head. When she got to her apartment she placed the painting in the second room. It was a room where she has kept all of her paintings for the past several years now. They were even on the walls, they were just scattered on the floor lazily. She has always been an artist ever since she came out of her mother's womb. Her mother of course kept all of her precious drawings as a kid at her house, where Tori keeps everything she drew/sketched/painted ever since college. This is where she can soak up everything by just looking at her creations.

"I'll call you project zero," Tori whispers placing her finished painting on the wall, and even giving it a title as along with today's date with the swift movements of her sharpie.

It was a pointless painting of different colors moving upwards and downwards. Everything from the brightest pink to the darkest shade of grey. This represented her feelings today and how she has been feeling for the last couple of weeks.

This painting represented that every up had a down, and every down had an up. Not only did she find someone who is interested in her, she also finds out that he is lacking basic aspects. She couldn't blame him at all knowing that he has been in a not-too-good relationship, and she had a feeling what happened to him in the past had affected him now. Still, she is not going to give up no matter how a little rough things are looking right now.

They just had to take one project at a time.


😊😊 just wait for it

- BookOfBandz

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