TB | It's Toxic

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TB | It's Toxic

Now that Zayn has opened up to Tori about his family they actually visited the Malik's the following evening. Zayn hasn't seen his family in nine years and he was nervous as ever. He had a feeling that they would hate him for leaving them for so long. The biggest fear is that his family was going to disown him by not allowing him to come back for being gone. Zayn was a nervous wreck when him and Tori made it to his childhood house again, he literally smoked four cigarettes because that's how nervous he was.

Being greeted by his mother scared him the most. She was the one who called almost everyday, and she is the one who gave birth to him in the first place. He planned on talking to his mother later but he actually had to deal with her first. Surprisingly, she brought him into a warm loving hug and cried in his chest. He hasn't seen his mother in so long and that resulted him to cry too while he hugged this dear woman. The connection of the mother and son was like no other, apparently the bond they had never broke.

His sisters and his father came to welcome him home back afterwards. Yaser Malik, his father, smacked him upside his head playfully before bringing his son into a hug. Soon enough his sisters were running towards him with open arms and attacks him with kisses all over his face. It was like he came back from war or something, the love he revived was crazy and he felt good again. They were all excited to hear that Zayn was coming back again. Everybody missed him and they couldn't wait to see him. Even with all the doubts he had..they vanished.

The moment Zayn introduced Tori as his girlfriend to his family everybody pretty much gushed over her. His mother remembers talking to her over the one that night and she was so happy that this woman was the reason that her son was brought home. His sisters Doniya, Waliyah, and Safaa all loved Tori because she seem super sweet. Zayn caught up with his family for a while dinner was ready and everybody came to eat. That night was exceptionally well and he is glad that Tori, a selfless woman, made sure he got to be with his family again.

Summer was slowly coming to an end which meant that today was the first day of August. The couple was on a good roll here and they plan on keeping it that way. It was Friday and she just got off of work while Zayn just came back from his family's house. He was going to pick her up from work and spend time with her tonight. It was something they did almost everyday. It was the small simple loving moments that he enjoyed because it felt like he had all the time in the world when he was with her.

"Stop touching at my watermelons Zayn!" Tori swatted her boyfriend's hands away from her chest.

Zayn scoffed. "It's hard when you have that fucking shirt on. Like..what the fuck Tori? You're practically setting me up here."

"Too bad, don't touch me," she says placing the game controller down so she could move away.

He was sitting on the couch while she was sitting on the floor. She was placed in between his legs as they played the video game on the big screen. Zayn's hands accidentally grabbed a good handful of her boobs and tried to play it off..but he wasn't slick.

Zayn noticed how she moved from between his legs, she looked upset and he couldn't help but to grin a little bit, "You're still mad that I beat you in 2k?"

She simply crossed her arms over her chest and looked away from him.

Zayn laughed, "Oh come on, seriously? You should've saw it coming because I'm pretty much unstoppable."

"I just learned how to play tonight! You could have went easy on me!" Tori shouts as she punched his arm.

"No I couldn't or you wouldn't learn," he says calmly as he tried not to laugh.

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