Where am I?

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The first thing Marinette noticed was that her head was hurting.

A throbbing pain that shot through her cranium made her groan. She wanted to rub her sore head, but felt her arms being pinned to her side. She started to open her eyes, but found herself unable to. She tried to remember the last thing that happened only to get fuzzy thoughts.

"Stay tight Ladybug! We'll get you some medical attention."

"Um...how are we going to do that exactly?"

"Why don't you go get some help? Use that super fast mind of yours!"

"Oh right..."

"Calm down, you three. I think she's trying to wake up."

The voices made Marinette want to raise an eyebrow. They didn't sound like any of her friends or people she knew. They sounded more different and a bit desperate.

"Come on my lady, I know you'll open your pretty blue eyes again."

That statement made her think of Chat. She wondered if he was there, no doubt trying to get her eyes open. Finally, brushing off the pain, she opened her eyes and saw four people hovering over her.

"LADYBUG!" They all exclaimed, hugging her body tightly. Three of them released themselves, leaving one of them holding her tighter than before.

"I...I thought I lost you." He whispered in her ear, a suave voice making her shudder. "We thought HawkMoth had finally defeated you, but a bright flash of light erupted from his flying fortress and you started to fall from the sky. That's when Mercury-"

"Yeah Chat, tell her what I did!" Marinette could just hear the smirk in the other guy's voice. Wait a minute...did he just say Chat?

"Anyways...Mercury saw you and had Kid Mime make a ramp for him to run and catch you before you hit the ground. I swore if you had died, Melodie would never let me hear the end of it."

"Hey!" A girl shrieked irritably behind him. "I would have not!"

"Melodie please calm down. He was just joking with you." Another voice said, sounding very tired.

"Regardless, Chat was stupid enough to send her to fight HawkMoth alone. What if Sparrow or Mr. Pigeon had gotten to her? She would've been trapped!"

"We trusted her, we all trusted her Melodie. Ladybug knows how to fight remember?"

"She's a better fighter than we know Mel, cut the girl some slack. At least she came back alive."

"Shut it Mercury!"

Now Marinette's eyes fully adjusted to the scene around her. The four figures along with her were on top of some building. The Parisian skyline was dotted with stars and the soft glows of the streetlights. Her body was still wrapped up in a hug from "Chat", making her slightly uncomfortable.

"Uh..." She finally said, breaking the argument up between the trio. "Who are you guys?"

Silence was heard after she said those words. A collective gasp came from all four of them as "Chat" released his arms from around her body. She blinked at the people who were gathered around her.

There was a girl with golden hair tied in a ponytail. She wore a jumpsuit with a white torso and black lower half. On her torso is a massive black treble clef on a staff. At the base of her jumpsuit is a series of white musical notes, which make an infinity symbol. She has white boots and dark gray gloves. Across her face was a white mask.

Beside her was an even stranger sight to Marinette. It was a boy with dark blue skin and electric blue eyes. His body had lightning bolt-like lines with light blue edges all over his body, meeting up and through dots on the back of his hands, shoulders, elbows, torso, and knees. His feet appeared to have white shoe soles.

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