Hey guys! Sorry for the feels and unfortunately it's about to get worse. *TRIGGER WARNING*. Oh and also, 2,000 reads? That's amazing. You guys are amazing. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks and enjoy!
Grace's Pov
I sit on my bathroom floor, trembling with my razor in hand.
The voices are telling me to do it, to end it all.
I can't help but think about when Hannah made me promise I would never do it again.
I agreed to never do it.
But that thought soon passes when I think of how Hannah probably wants me dead.
Mamrie probably wants me dead.
Jason probably wants me dead.
My 'fans' want me dead.
I reach for my phone to see if Mamrie or Hannah texted even though I knew that chance was slim.
I go on twitter and see a whole bunch of hate.
Some defend me but most go unnoticed.
Tyler defended me in the beginning but he soon gave up as it became too much.
I lost bunches of subscribers.
I don't understand why people think I don't love Hannah.
I do. So much.
Hate usually doesn't get to me but when you get this much, it hurts.
I see the sun starting to shine through my window.
I can't help but think that the sun will still rise everyday if I was gone, the earth would still spin around and people would be better off without me.
I look at the time and it's already about 6:30 am.
I've been siting here all night crying.
I'm ready to end my pain, I can't do this anymore.
I write a note to Hannah and fold it on my bed.
I run the razor across my arm.
And another time.
And another time.
After a lot, I lose count.
Soon, I start getting light-headed from the blood loss.
I reach for the pills on the counter.
I take a handful and I lay down on my bathroom floor.
I close my eyes and I begin drifting.
I hear a faint scream but everything goes black.