Hartbig Chapter 59

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Hey guys! I think I've decided what fanfic I'm going to do next. It's gonna be another Hartbig one but I don't think I'm gonna have it in different povs like I do for this one. It's going to be called Friendly Attractions (Hartbig Fanfic). I think it'll be me as a narrator, if that makes sense. I already have ideas for it and once this fanfic is finished, I'll start working on the other one! I hope you read my next one! Comments are fun, enjoy!

Hannah's Pov

"Grace? Grace, honey. Talk to me baby." I say, shaking her violently.

I slap her face gently.

Mamrie's doctor gets up and starts the help me try and wake her up.

He checks to see if she's breathing, she is.

He lifts her head up and starts to call her name while tapping her face gently.

"Grace, honey, ya gotta talk to me. Come on, Grace, wake up." I say again.

She starts to open her eyes.

Oh thank god.

"I, uh, I'm sorry." She says.

"Don't be sorry, sweetie, it happens a lot here, believe it or not." The doctor chuckles.

"Grace, what the fuck was that?" I ask, while holding her upright.

Before she could answer, the doctor starts speaking again.

"Anyway, Ms Hart, congratulations, you're having twins!" He says.

Mamrie's mouth drops open.

"Twins?!" She asks.

"Yeah! See here, there's two bodies." He points to the screen.

"There's one boy and one girl." He continues.

Mamrie is shocked but seems happy.

Jason is also shocked.


Mamrie is having twins?!

Just, wow.

"I saw that there was two babies and I guess I was so shocked that I passed out. And, I told you, I'm not good with babies. I didn't eat today either, so that doesn't help." Grace whispers.

"Wow, Grace. I think you're underestimating yourself a little bit, I think once those babies come, you won't be able to take your eyes off of them." I laugh.

"Oh, yeah right! They make me nervous, Hannah. I can't handle the responsibility of a human life in my hands. And for that reason, I can't hold one either. Like what if I drop it? What if it starts screaming because it doesn't like me?" She says.

"Well this'll be good practice then...for when we have kids..." I wink.

Her face falls.

"Wait....you're kidding right?" She asks.

I start laughing.

"Yes of course I'm kidding! Geez, you really don't want kids do you?" I laugh.

"No, no I don't." She says.

-4 months later-

It's Christmas Eve and Mamrie is due any day now.

We're all supes excited, especially Grace.

She denies it, but she always is talking about the babies and Mamrie.

She pretty much picked out all the decorations for the babies' room and the cribs and everything.

She claims she's "just trying to help", but we all know that she's secretly excited.

Me, well I'm going to the jewelry store right now.

I've decided that I'm deeply in love with Grace and I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

I hope she feels the same, or else New Year's will be awkward.

New Year's is around our anniversary date too, so it'll be perfect.

I don't have an extraordinary plan yet but I'll think of one.

Grace has always told me that she didn't wanna get married but I think that was because she hadn't found the right one yet, obviously.

I hope her feelings on that have changed since because god, I really want to marry her.

Hopefully it'll work.

Author's note: this fanfic is gonna end soon :(. I'm really sad about it too. But make sure you keep an eye out for Friendly Attractions after I finish this fanfic! Comment! Thanks!

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