Mace kiss....anyone see it? I did. I'm sure they didn't actually kiss but it was funny because Mamrie wasn't expecting it. I thought of a way to end this fanfic and I thought to myself "people will hate me so much" so, I'm probably not gonna make it too bad.....anyway, message me! I get messages once in awhile but I want to keep in touch with y'all. Also, almost 50k reads?!? Since when? Last time I checked it was at like 20k...oh geez that's amazing. I really do love you guys and thank you for your positive feedback. Enjoy!
Mamrie's Pov
Hannah and Grace dropped me off and I went inside.
"Hey babe, I'm home!" I yell.
I see him walk around the corner.
He smiles and gives me a quick kiss.
"Hello darlin'. How are ya?" He asks.
"Well actually Jason, we need to talk." I say.
"Yeah sure, what's up?" He asks.
I hand him the picture of the baby.
"What's this?" He asks, confused.
"Well, uh, that's our baby..." I stutter.
I stare at him, waiting for his response.
He's shocked.
"Mamrie, this is great!!!" He smiles.
"Really?! Ya think so? I thought you'd be mad and leave." I say.
"No, of course not Mames, I would never leave you. I think it's great, when's the due date?" He asks.
"January 1st." I say.
"Ahh, New Year's Day huh?" He hugs me.
"I'm really glad you're happy but aren't you scared or at least a tad bit worried?" I ask.
"Yeah of course I am but I think we'll get through it and I think you, my dear, will be a great mom." He says, poking my nose.
"Eh I'm not sure about that but I'll try my hardest. Hannah wants the baby named after her." I laugh.
"Oh yeah? Well I was think Jason Junior. JJ for short." He winks.
I laugh.
"I think you're outta luck. Her name will be Mamrie." I smile.
"What if it's a boy? Huh? What's his name gonna be?" He says sarcastically.
"Oh shut up, we have 9 months to think about this!" I say.
"I'll be here every step of the way, baby. Every step." He hugs me.
This is my forever.
Author's Note: sorry there was no hartbig and also sorry for this being a sucky chapter. I'm not sure what to do next. Should I just skip to when she has the baby? Or will she even have the baby....? Hmmmm.....