Chapter Two

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She had been in a coma for five weeks now. The team members had taken turns staying with her, trying to be there when she woke up, but sometimes it became too dangerous. Burn marks constantly scarred the walls that would slowly recede.

The girl seemed to be in pain by the way her body was so stiff, but they couldn't figure out why. All of her wounds had healed. All she had was an I.V drip of water and essential nutrients.

Her dark brown hair hinted at lighter tones hidden by the unnatural lighting. It was ruffled from laying down for so long. And her medium brown skin seemed to glow.

It was Kaldur's turn watching the girl, but the room had become unbearably hot so he was just outside the door. A scream erupted from within the room, he barged in as quick as he could.

She was thrashing around, eyes wide open. They were an unnatural green, like an overly vibrant lime. She was trying to pull her wrists out of the straps they'd had to use to keep her from hurting herself, she wasn't succeeding. Although she had managed to remove the I.V drip.

She stiffened as soon as she saw Kaldur and stopped moving completely. She eyed him warily, her gaze unmoving.

"It is okay, my friend." Kaldur said softly, "Do you want me to undo the straps?"

"Yes." She said quietly with a small nod. Her voice sounded soft and unsure, but it had a certain quality about it that gave a fierce impression.

Kaldur walked over and undid the straps, "My name is Kaldur'ahm. What is yours?"

A look of strong concentration crossed her face. "I-I don't remember. I think it's Atlas."

"Do you remember how you arrived here, Atlas?" He asked.

"No, I'm sorry Kaldur'ahm. I don't remember anything." She replied sounding disappointed in herself.

"That is alright." He put a finger and pressed the com-link in his ear, "She is awake. She says her name is Atlas, but she cannot remember anything else."

Atlas looked around the room, gazing at all the burn marks on the walls. Some of them formed shapes that looked familiar, but she couldn't remember seeing anywhere.

"What happened to the walls, Kaldur'ahm?" She looked down, "And the floor?"

He smiled at her. "Please call me Kaldur."

"Okay, Kaldur. What happened to the room?"

He smiled again. "I am unsure of how, but you did this, Atlas."

Nightwing walked in. Pictures were burnt into every surface. Guns, needles and chairs littered the walls. He ignored them for now and focused on the newly awoken girl.

"Hello, Atlas," He smiled, it was dazzling and full of perfect white teeth, "I'm glad you finally woke up. I'm Nightwing."

She smiled back, "Hi Nightwing." Her voice wasn't as soft and quiet as before anymore, now there was just curiosity, "Can you tell me where I am?"

His smile faltered, "I'm sorry, but that's confidential."

Atlas squeezed her eyes shut. A throbbing pain echoed through her mind.

"Wh-where am I? Where have you taken me!?"

A man in a white jacket and blue gloves smiled at her, "I'm afraid that's confidential, Miss Dundas."

She pulled her wrists up, trying to break the leather straps, but it was hopeless. Tears fell from her eyes.

The doors swung open...

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