Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Hi guys! Sorry that I'm updating late, I had sooooo much happen yesterday that this just slipped my mind, but it's here now!

Kaldur burst out of the bioship and approached a waiting Nightwing. "It wasn't a drug trade."

"What? The informant said it was." Nightwing defended.

The others came out of the ship carrying two files and three briefcases. M'gann looked sad, Aspen distant and Robin angered. "I'm afraid your informant was incorrect."

"Did something happen?" Nightwing asked, genuinely confused. No one seemed badly hurt, Aspen only had a small cut along her hand; a minor injury that he was kind of expecting.

"In a way," Aspen said blankly, "they got to see one of my memories through the mental link."

"You remembered something?" He said with a small perk in his voice.

She crossed her legs in the air, a metal briefcase sitting on her lap. "Yeah," She said in a breath. Aspen opened the case, five vials of an orange liquid were sitting in it, "This is my blood. I don't know why it's there though."

"Are you sure?" Nightwing asked, staring at the vials in disbelief.

She shoved a finger into the cut, wincing slightly; orange oozed out. With an unnerving gaze and almost blank expression she replied, "Positive."

"Should we discuss this in private?" Kaldur asked Nightwing.

He hummed an agreement, "Can you three take the vials to the lab?"

Scattered nods answered him and they moved to leave. Aspen had a million thoughts running through her head. She knew A.R.G.U.S had taken her for some reason, that they had interrogated her, left scars scattered across her skin, and had forcefully taken her blood. What she didn't know was why. There were billions of other people on the planet, there were bound to be others the exact same as her... So what made her so special? She didn't like not knowing so much about herself. Where were her parents? Were they looking for her? Did- did they give her to A.R.G.U.S? Were they afraid of her? Aspen bit her cheek hard, a metallic taste spread across her tongue.

They walked into a large tiled room with machines, tools, tables and computers neatly organised to leave clear walking space around the lab. Once again, it was a room that Aspen had never been in before, and judging by the way M'gann glanced at Aspen, she knew it. Robin walked over to a table and placed the case down a little carelessly before opening it and pulling out a vial. He placed the vial in a little machine and the largest computer screen lit up saying 'ANALYZING'. Aspen watched him carefully and gently placed the case of the table, M'gann did the same but left afterwards. He turned around and jumped a little, "I didn't know you were still here."

"The stuff came out of me, I wanna know what's in it." She said as she plunked down in a wheelie chair, using her powers to pull over one for Robin as well. He sat down in it with a small look of thanks.

"So, just seeing things triggers your memories?" He asked after a small silence.

"Yeah. Isn't that how it is for most people?"

"I guess. I've never forgotten everything before to really know." Aspen looked at the screen, 78% analysed. To be honest she was terrified about what she might find, she had no idea what blood was supposed to be like but it more than likely shouldn't have been orange.

Aspen looked down at the floor and sank into deep thought. What if nobody trusted her after all of this? She didn't know how to react to it all, had she ever felt this way before? She didn't know. She didn't know anything.

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