Chapter Seven

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*nervous laughter* trigger warning.

Nightwing shut the door behind him and Aspen let out a small, excited squeal. She shot up, wishing her ceiling was higher, and flew around the room. She felt light in the air, she loved it, it was like nothing was holding her down, like she was free.

Aspen wanted nothing more than to find Tula an tell her everything, but she decided against it, they were going to find out soon anyway. Instead she went to the training room, it's high roof allowed her to fly easily and freely.

Glee was overtaking her whole body, covering every inch of her being, she wasn't going to let Batman get to her. Although with every step she took to the training hall the conversation kept poping into her head. He had said nothing mean or bad in general, in fact it was just a normal conversation, but there was something about it that didn't feel right. It was like he was planning something or trying to find things out that he could hold against her. She didn't like that feeling, so she didn't give him many straight answers and tried to turn the conversation on him instead, it didn't really work.

She pushed open the door then walked over to a punching bag and started hitting it. Batman had asked her how much control over herself did she have at one point, as if she couldn't control herself, she could fly for god's sake! And in all her time doing so she hadn't crashed or hit something once. In fact she had managed to move a one tonne weight from one end of the large training room to the other just by raising her hand and focusing hard. If she didn't have control, no one did.

She sighed lightly and hit the bag heavily adding extra power into the punch by using her powers in reverse, making her arm slightly heavier. It was a new skill that she had managed a few days ago and she wanted to perfect it. She did this a few more times before the bag broke and went flying, it was good timing too, her arms were starting to hurt.

She dragged the heavy bag over to the bin for equipment that needed fixing and set up a new one. Aspen had thrown the first punch when she heard the doors open, it was Superboy.

"You train a lot." He stated, Aspen smiled, he had never really talked to her.

"Yeah, I like the room. It feels really open."

He gave her a small grunt of recognition, "Dinner's almost ready."

"Cool." She replied and they walked out together. It was a silent walk, Superboy seemed really introverted and shy, Aspen herself was a bit of an introvert, but was very outgoing once you got to know her.

They walked into the abnormally large dining room. Everybody had already taken a seat at the table, but there were still plenty of places to sit. Although she noticed that Robin wasn't there, by he wasn't there a lot really. Tula gestured Aspen over to sit between herself and Nightwing which was kind of strange, Nightwing normally didn't stick around for dinner. M'gann quickly dished out the meal. Roast lamb, baked vegetables and gravy. Aspen noted that Beast Boy didn't eat any of the meat and glared at it a lot. She tried the lamb, it was nice but she didn't exactly like it. Eating it made her feel kind of sick. The meal quickly passed with a light conversation and soon enough M'gann was collecting the dishes, Aspen let her take the plate with a thankful smile but wasn't sure how she felt about it. M'gann was always cleaning or cooking and it didn't look like she took any time off.

With that thought, people started getting up and leaving. Aspen stood up but she didn't leave, she went to the kitchen and found M'gann with her hands in the soapy water. "Do you want me to do it? You always do."

"Are you sure about that? I can do it." She answered after a small silence.

"I'm sure." Aspen smiled.

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