Chapter Three

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A/N: A quick author's note. I've had this chapter ready to be posted for a while now. In fact I've written a lot more chapters and I just haven't been remembering to post them. Please forgive me. I have a lot of plans for this story and I really want it to turn out well, so comment on parts you like if you want. If there's anything you have a problem with and want to ask me about it, feel free to contact me through private messaging. Please enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice.
Atlas had been left alone for three days now, people only entering her temporary home to supply her with food and water. Although she didn't really use the latter. She felt as if she was their prisoner. Whenever they came in she was just sitting in the corner, looking broken. The others never saw, but she did cry. Atlas wanted to go home, but to do that she would have to figure out where home is first.

"Atlas?" Nightwing asked quietly as he opened the door. She recognised his voice immediately and looked up from the gap between her legs, "There's someone I'd like you to meet."

A girl with blonde hair walked. She was wearing a black one-piece with fishnet stockings. "This is Black Canary, she was hoping to talk to you."

The blonde smiled at Atlas encouragingly. "Hi Atlas. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"

Atlas looked sideways avoiding eye contact. "You don't have to if you dot want to, Atlas. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything."

"You can ask," Her voice sounded rough from lack of use, "Will it help me remember?"

"There is a chance it will, yes."

"Then ask away."

Nightwing left the room without a sound while Black Canary sat in the bedside chair. "Do you remember anything before you woke up?"

"Not much."

Her voice picked up, "You remember something?"

"It's not really anything." Atlas spoke quietly.

"Can you please tell me?"

Atlas looked down at the ground, "I remember a white room and being strapped to a chair, a man was there but he wouldn't tell me where I was. He called me Miss Dundas."

The blonde smiled widely, "This is very helpful, Atlas. Is there anything else?"


"That's okay. Are you aware that you have metahuman powers?"

"My veins glow when I'm angry. That's all I've seen myself."

"Mm hmm." She hummed while writing it down on a notepad that Atlas hadn't noticed. "I take it you can't control it?"

"What gave it away?" Atlas chuckled.

Black Canary smiled, "Do you feel out of control when you're angry?"


"Do you know why you're wearing those cuffs?" She pointed to them with her pen.


"Do you remember how you acquired your powers?"

"No." Atlas looked down disappointedly, "I told you all I remember."

Black Canary's gaze softened slightly, "That's okay. What have you been doing in here the past couple days?"

"Just... Thinking."

"What about?"

"I'm just trying to remember my home. My family, if I had one... I don't like this, not being able to remember who I am. I don't know anything about myself, I don't know anything at all."

"Atlas, one day you will remember it. Everything is all trapped in your head, all you have to do is let it free." Her smile was soft and friendly. Her eyes sweet and warm.

Atlas smiled back, something filled her chest for the first time since waking up. It was hope. "One day."

"Black Canary, there's something that's been bugging me. Who changed me out of my clothes?"

"A girl named Tula, I don't think you've met her."

"I haven't." A moment passed, "Why are so many of you people pretending be to birds?"

The blonde looked perplexed then chuckled a little, "We aren't actually pretending to be birds, we just use the name of them. There are reasons behind it."

"That makes sense I guess. Why do some of you wear masks?"

"Atlas, everybody you've met since waking up is a hero. The people who wear masks are protecting their identities."

"But you don't, so people figured out who you are."

"You're pretty smart."

"I guess."

"I should go, but if you remember anything or just want to talk, use this." Canary handed her a small disc with a button on it, a bird was engraved on it, "I promise I'll come as soon as possible."

The blonde stood up straight and walked out, the door swinging shut behind her.

The door swung shut behind the woman, locking with an echoey click. A man in a white suit beside her smiled sadistically, a shiver slid down Atlas's spine.

He walked to a table full of metal devices. With his back to her, he said,"This could have been avoided if you just said what planet you're from."

Atlas glared at the man, "I told you. I am not from any other planets."

"But yet you're not from Earth." He said spitefully, "You're not even a meta."

He turned around with a scalpel clutched tightly in his fist and a dangerous glint in his eyes. Slowly he approached, his knuckles turning white from griping the scalpel so tightly.

Softly he placed the small but sharp blade against her cheek. "Where are you from, Miss Aspen Dundas? Is that even your real name?"

Aspen glared at him. "I told you already, I am not from another planet. And my name is in fact Aspen, it was given to me by my parents."

A smile contorted his face. It didn't look right on him. "Where are your parents, Aspen?"

"With me." Her voice was confident, but had a tone of sadness.

"I'm afraid I don't see anybody here but you and me." The scalpel lowered to her throat, "Now tell me the truth, where are they?"

Her head throbbed and her throat felt unnaturally dry. A sharp pain dug at her palm, she looked down and noticed that she had squeezed the disc so tightly small beads of blood had begun to appear. The strange part was that the blood wasn't red, it was orange. With a sigh, pressed the bird marked button.

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