Soulmate Tattoo AU

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Q: Why doesn't this one have a heart like the other oneshots?

A: I made this a long time ago and I don't have any ideas for it to be edited, so I don't really wanna count it as an official oneshot. Still read if you'd like, maybe i'll go back and edit this one later, or keep it the same but add the heart anyways. For now I'm not sure.

3rd Person POV

Tom lied down sluggishly on the living room couch watching 'The Children' while drinking smirnoff. He could barely hear the Tv, considering how loud Edd and Matt were talking. They were talking about their soulmate tattoos.

"I wish I could find my soulmate sooner, I'm getting a little lonely to be honest," Edd frowned, as he rubbed his arm where his tattoo was placed.

"Don't be, you have me and Tom!" Matt smiled, as he hugged Edd.

Edd nodded, as he turned around to face Tom. "What does yours say, Tom? You never really talk about it..."

"It's because I hate all this 'soulmate' bullshit. People take it too seriously," Tom said, as he walked over to where Matt and Edd where standing.

"Come on, Tom, pleeaaasseee?" Matt whined, as he tugged on Toms arm.

Tom let out an agitated sigh, as he rolled up his sleeve.

"Awww, that's lovely. 'His eyes look like stars,'" Edd gushed.

"Shut up," Tom blushed, and crossed his arms.


Tom was upstairs in his room, which wasn't a surprise to Matt and Edd, considering he liked being alone all the time.

Edd opened the door, concern in his brown eyes. "Tom, you know it's not healthy staying in your room all day..."

Tom nodded, as he opened another bottle of smirnoff.

"How about we go to that new coffee shop that just opened up? I'm sure you'll like it."

"Eh, i'm not much of a fan of coffee," Tom said, as he threw the now-empty bottle of smirnoff on the floor.

Edd, being the mother that he is, wouldn't give up on Tom. "Thomas Thompson, you are coming with us to the coffee shop this instant."

"What're you going to do, ground me?" Tom chuckled, as he lied down on his bed.


"I can't believe Edd threatened to ground you," Matt snickered.

"Shut up or I'll smash that 'pretty face' of yours," Tom threatened, as he balled up his fists in front of Matts face.

"Quit arguing, we're almost there," Edd said, hushing the cinnamon rolls.

Sure enough, they were finally at the coffee shop.

As they walked in, the first thing Tom noticed was how hot the brown-haired male was behind the counter.

After Matt and Edd chosen what they wanted, they walked up to order.

"Excuse me?" Edd said, as he tapped on the counter.

The brown haired boy was instantly startled, and fell out of his chair.

Tom couldn't help but laugh, but he probably shouldn't have since the boy now hid his face in shame.

'His eyes looked like stars' the male thought, as he straightened himself up.

"Uh...What would you like to order?" The brown-haired boy asked, his face 50 shades of red from earlier.

"May I have 4 macaroons and my friend here will have a pastry?" Edd asked, as he took out his wallet.

"Yes of course," He fumbled around with the cash register before he said, "Your total will be $10.50 please..."

Edd handed him the money. "Here you go," he chirped.

"Thank you...they'll be done in just a minute. Sit down and I'll bring them to you..."

The three nodded, and went to pick out a table. Once they finally picked out a table, Tom lied his head down on it, not wanting to talk to people or be there anymore.

The brown-haired male came over and put the food on the table, accidentally bumping into Tom.

"Oh my gosh i'm so sorry!" The male said frantically.

"Dude chill the fuck out," Tom sighed, as he wiped the macaroon crumbs off his shirt.

The male froze. That was exactly what was written on his arm... "Sorry once again..." he said, as he walked away from the table.

☆~ ☆

stay sparkling

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