♡ Hanahaki disease AU ♡

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3rd Person POV

Toms throat was burning. Not because of a sore throat, or drinking hot chocolate. It was because of delicate red flowers. They grew out from his throat, and the pain was unbearable. It felt as if someone was stabbing his throat over and over. It hurt to talk and breathe, but Tom still managed to put up with it.

Nobody knew of this disease, the 'Hanahaki Disease,' but himself. He didn't want the others to worry. He didn't need anyone worrying for him, he felt he didn't deserve to be worried about.

The four were sitting down on the couch watching TV. Tom felt the petals rise up his throat, so he quickly grabbed a bucket to spill out his insides. A few red flower petals fell into the bucket gracefully.

The three were concerned, since it wasn't normal to throw up flowers. They were quite confused as to how this had happened.

"Tom, are you alright?" Tord asked, a look of concern on his face.

Tom nodded, wiping the drool that slid off the corner of his mouth. Tom gripped his chest, the feeling of the flowers caught in his throat and lungs was quite unpleasant.

"Thomas, this isn't normal! We have to take you to the doctor, they'll know how to help you," Edd pleaded.

"Yeah, Tom. Even I know it's not normal to cough up flowers!" Matt exclaimed, a sorrowful look on his face.

Tom shook his head. He didn't want to go to the hospital. There was only two cures for the disease he had. One cure was that he'd get surgery, but his feelings for his loved one would disappear. The other cure Tom thought was impossible. If his beloved returned the feelings, the flowers would stop growing.

Some may ask, who is this loved one? How are they so special that poor Thomas doesn't want to get surgery, and is willing to put up with this constant pain?

This 'loved one' was none other than Tord Liston. Tom had loved Tord for as long as he could remember, but Tord never returned the feelings. Tom would rather keep the red flowers in his lungs until he died rather than get rid of his feelings for the norwegian male.

Tom felt the flowers begin to rise up his throat again, and he quickly reached for the bucket. Although the flowers were beautiful, Tom couldn't breathe. The flowers kept piling up his throat, to the point where Tom felt his vision begin to blur.

"Tom?!" Tord shouted, before Tom passed out in his arms. "Oh my god, guys! We have to take him to the hospital!"

The three went into panic mode. Tord carried Toms limp body bridal style, and rushed into the car. Matt quickly started the car, and the four drove off to the hospital.

~Time skip~

Tom woke up in an unfamiliar room. He was lying down on what appeared to be a hospital bed. He observed his surroundings and noticed his friends balling their eyes out, while a man wearing a white coat tried to calm them down.

The man looked over at Tom, and smiled.

"Ah, you're awake," he smiled, as he wrote down some things in his clipboard. "I'm doctor Jon, pleasure to meet you Thomas."

Jon then turned his body, facing the three hoodied males.

"I'm afraid your friend has been diagnosed with a very rare case of 'Hanahaki.' This happens because of one-sided love, which causes flowers to grow in the lungs. If they aren't removed immediately, your friend might pass away soon," he explained.

"So this is quite simple. All Tom needs is surgery to remove the flowers, then he'll be alright?" Edd questioned.

"Correct," Jon smiled,"But once they are removed, so will his feelings for the person he loved. The choice is up to him if he'd like the surgery."

Everyone in the room looked over at Tom, waiting for his answer. The room was silent, you could hear the sound of a pen drop.

"I don't think I want the surgery," he managed to choke out, earning a few gasps around the room.

The doctor nodded, and wrote down that Tom didn't want surgery in his clipboard. He said he'd be back, and then left the room.

Matt started to cry, "But, Tom-"

"No, I've already made up my mind. I'd rather die than lose feelings for him...I'm sorry," Tom apologized, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Edd sighed, "If you don't mind, who is it that you love? Maybe we could try and convince them to like you..."

"No, that wouldn't work. They'd have to return the feelings naturally..." Tom looked over at Tord, "-and besides, I know they wouldn't return them back."

"Well, are you gonna tell us who?" Matt asked.

Tom nodded. His vision began to darken, as he coughed up the last flower. He shakily pointed his finger to Tord, tears rolling down his cheek.

Tord felt his eyes tear up, as he jumped out of  his chair and went to hug the blue hoodied male.

"I love you too, you idiot! I can't believe this is all because of me, I've loved you for so long!" Tord cried, as he kissed the male on the lips.

Tom felt his vision begin to come back. Everything wasn't a blur anymore, and he could finally breathe normally. No more flowers, no more thorns, just...happiness. Tom smiled, as he kissed his lover back. The two pulled apart when they heard the door slam open.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Jon asked, eyeing the blue and red hoodied males.

Edd giggled, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. "I think Tom has been cured...turns out his 'loved one' was his friend and they shared feelings."

Jon smiled, "That's amazing news! I'm glad everything turned out alright, you're all free to go. Just check up here every month so we could make sure the flowers are out of your lungs for sure."

The four nodded, as they grabbed their things and headed out of the hospital. Tom and Tord were holding hands, as they walked to the car.

"Hey, Tom?" Tord said, as he looked his lover in the eyes.


Tord pressed his lips on Toms, Tom kissing back. Tom grabbed Tords waist, bringing the kiss closer. After a minute, they pulled apart.

"I love you, Tom," Tord giggled.

"I love you too, Tord. I loved you even though it was killing me!" he laughed, as he opened the car door for Tord.

The two sat in the back, Tom resting his head on Tords shoulder.

Suddenly, a cough was heard from Edd. The three looked over at him, and he kept coughing into his hand. Edd pulled away, and there it was.

A couple blue flowers in his hand.

☆~ ☆

If red flowers is Tord, then who's blue flowers? hmm...

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stay sparkling

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