♡ Pocky Challenge ♡

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3rd Person POV

Edd and Matt were out grocery shopping to restock the fridge, leaving Tom and Tord home alone. The two had been watching the same movie over and over again, since there was really nothing to do.

"I'm so bored," Tom groaned, slumping into the couch.

"That's the fifteenth time you've said that today" Tord snickered.

Toms phone then started to vibrate, meaning someone was calling him. He picked up his phone and saw the caller ID 'Cola Boy.' He accepted the phone call.

"Hello?" he answered, unsure as of why Edd had called him.

"Hey, uh Tom, do you think you and Tord can help us with the groceries?" Edd asked. "Matt and I would do it ourselves, but there's quite a lot."

"Yeah, of course. We'll be out there in a sec," Tom said, as he ended the phone call.

Tom stretched for a bit, before telling Tord they needed to help Edd and Matt out with the groceries. Tord nodded, and the two went outside to give them a hand.

~Time skip~

"Thank you both for the help!" Matt chirped, as he put down the groceries.

"It was no problem, you guys always help us whenever we need it so it was the least we could do," Tom smiled.

Tord got the last of the shopping bags, and was about to set them on the table, until a certain red box caught his eye. He took the red box out, immediately knowing what it was. He then shoved the small box in his hoodie pocket when he was sure no one was looking at him.

"We brought home dinner so we won't almost burn the house down again," Edd cringed, looking back at old memories when the four nearly caused a fire trying to bake a cake.

"That's quite thoughtful of you and Matt, thank you guys," Tom gushed.

Edd placed the chicken wings and paper plates on the table, and everyone dug in. They stuffed their bellies until there was one last chicken wing left. Matt and Edd were full and didn't want it, but Tom and Tord were staring each other down for it.

They both reached over for it, and Tord luckily grabbed it before Tom could. Tord winked at Tom, as he ate the last chicken wing.

"You're such an asshole," Tom muttered.

Tord stuck his tongue out, "losers weepers~"

When Tord saw Toms angered expression, he knew Tom was about to burst into flames. As Tom was about to say something, Tord shoved a pocky stick in Toms mouth.

At first, Tom was confused. Tord put his lips one the other side of the pocky, taking a small bite. Toms face then turned completely red once he realized what was happening. Tord smirked at Toms reaction, it's exactly what he had wanted.

"Go on, love. Take a bite," Tord purred.

But Tom didn't just take a small bite. He took an enormous 'bite,' and the pocky was no more. Their lips were touching, and they both melted into the kiss. Edd and Matt gasped at the sight, Edd shielding Matt's poor innocent eyes.

"Let's give them some privacy," Edd whispered into Matt's ear, and Matt nodded.

The two left the living room, leaving Tom and Tord alone. They finally pulled apart after what felt like hours of them getting deeper and deeper into the kiss. They were both blushing messes, and an awkward tension filled the room.

"Well, that was...interesting," Tord chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

Tom still had lust in his eyes, and he cupped Tords cheeks and brought their faces close together, their lips brushing against each other.

"Let's take this to my room~"

And you can imagine the 'fun' they had last night.

☆~ ☆

stay sparkling

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