♡ I wish you liked boys ♡

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(A/n) Inspired by this wonderful song by Jasper Owen, original by Abbey Glover, go check it out if you haven't already (: 🌸✨

3rd Person POV

Tom sat at the far end of the couch while Tord and his girlfriend were being lovey-dovey at the other end. Toms heart was aching seeing his beloved with someone else, but he ignored his feelings. As long as Tord was happy, he was happy. That's just the way it's always been.

Tom had been there for Tord through breakups, hard times, and when he needed it most. There was never a time when Tom wasn't there for him.

Tom soon grew feelings for the norwegian male, but deep down Tom knew Tord was straight. Tord only saw Tom as a best friend, nothing more and nothing less.

Tom decided to just head to his room. His heart was already broken enough, he didn't want to break it even more seeing Tord with his girlfriend.

"I could treat you so much better than her..." Tom muttered, as he trotted his way to his room.

Tom sat down on his bed and let all his emotions bottled up inside of him loose. Tears streamed down his face, and he threw things around his room.

He crumbled up doodles he drew of the two of them together, and a love note he was going to give Tord a while back. Realizing what he had done, he quickly uncrumbled the love note and held it close to his heart. Tears dropped onto the note, messing up the writing a tad bit.

"What's so special about her, Tord? Am I not good enough for you? It hurts, Tord. It really does..." Tom frowned, as he gently placed the love note in a drawer. "It hurts me that I give you the best of me, and you choose someone else..."


A few hours later, Tom got up from his bed to grab a bite to eat. After all, he hadn't ate anything at all today. He was too busy trying to figure out how he'd confess to Tord, even though he knew Tord would reject him. As he approached the kitchen, he saw Tord and his girlfriend making out on the living room couch.  They weren't even kissing anymore, it just looked like they were eating each other's faces.

After seeing that, Tom had lost his appetite. He slumped his way back to his room, and brought out his Luna Ukelele. He would usually play it when he was bored or when he needed to take his mind off of things.

He strummed it up and down, and started to sing.


I grew pretty attached to you
And I let you get close to me
I thought you were everything I could ever dream of
And more that I could ever need

But you like girls, girls, girls
But you like girls, girls, girls
And you don't like me

I caught you looking at me differently
When nobody else could see
Thought you were always aching to see me in each and every possibility

But you like girls, girls, girls
But you like girls, girls, girls
And you don't like me

And I could sit you down and give you a million reasons why

Being with me would make you realize that you'd be better with a guy

And I could tell you:
"I'd treat you right, and never wrong"
Tell you:
"In my arms is were you belong"
But I know that you can't change someone
So I'll just leave you alone

Although, I wish you liked boys, boys, boys

I wish you liked boys, boys, boys

Boys like me...


Tom strummed the last chord, and made a heavy sigh. He put his ukelele back in the case, and cried into his pillow. He cried and cried, until he finally drifted off into a deep sleep...

~Time skip~

Tom woke up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. It was morning, and he smelled pancakes. He got out of his bed to investigate.

He approached the kitchen to see Tord making pancakes. Tom assumed Tords girlfriend had already left, since she wasn't there. He sat down at the dinner table, "Hey, Tord."

"Good morning Tom," Tord smiled, as he handed Tom a plate of pancakes. "How was your sleep?"

'I cried knowing you'd never be in my arms,' Tom thought, as he let out a sigh. "It was alright I guess, what about you?"

"It was great, thanks for asking," Tord chirped, as he sat down next to Tom at the dinner table.

The two ate their pancakes in silence, until Tom decide to speak up.

"H-Hey, Tord?" he stuttered.


"I- I like you..." Tom whispered, his face heating up.

"What was that, Tom?" Tord asked, not hearing him.

"I-I said I like you, Tord!" Tom stammered, "You're really sweet and kind, I just can't live a world without you in it. I love you, Tord. I really do..."

. . .

"Tom..." Tord sighed, letting out a shaky breath. "You're a really nice guy and all, but I'm straight. I'm sorry..."

Tom felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. He knew Tord was straight, he mentally cursed at himself for thinking he had a chance with him.

Tom felt the a tear roll down his cheek, "It's alright, I know you are. I just wanted to get the feeling off my chest."

And with that said, Tom stood up from the chair walked away.


I wish you liked boys, boys, boys

but you like girls, girls, girls

and you don't like me.

☆~ ☆

stay sparkling

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