♡ Movie Theater ♡

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Another thank you to Gamzee_Is_Gay for helping me write this, she helped me come up with the pickup lines ehe 🌸✨

Also I should receive an award for the most lame titles sksksk 🌙


3rd Person POV

Tom was working his night shift at a Movie Theater, which paid a decent amount of money per hour. He was trying to save up money for a new bass guitar since Susan was starting to get old and out of tune easily.

He worked at the food stand, where people went to buy drinks, popcorn, and other goodies. He finished a woman's order, and handed her a large popcorn. The woman thanked him, leaving a small tip before hurrying off.

"Can I get the next person in line?!" Tom called out, as he readied up the cash register.

Tom looked up to see a male with hazel eyes and brown hair that curled up into devil horns grinning ear to ear.

"Damn, how much gel does this guy use?" Tom wondered, his thoughts getting interrupted by the devil horned male.

"Hey, is it hot in here, or is it just you?" the male purred, resting his face on his hand.

Toms cheeks flushed to the color of magenta, his face turning as red as a rose. He nervously chuckled, as he tugged at his collar. He looked away nervously, attempting to cover the red glow that came over his face.

"W-What would you like to order, sir?" Tom stuttered, trying to pull himself together.

"It's Tord, by the way." Tord winked, "but I don't know, how about you in my bed tonight?"

Tom couldn't help but laugh. "This guy doesn't stop, does he?" he thought, looking up at the red hoodied male. "I guess i'll just play along."

"That isn't on the menu, but i'll talk with my manager about getting it put up," Tom snickered.

Tord was taken aback by Toms comment. He wasn't expecting the guy to flirt back. In fact, Tord was expecting him to call security. Deep inside, Tord was glad, since it meant that he got to spend more time with the cute cashier.

"So, uh, you come here often?" Tom asked, leaning over the counter.

"I've just moved into this area. Man, I didn't know hot guys like yourself would work here. I just came here to watch a movie but when I saw you my heart was pumping," Tord swooned, leaning forward to where his face was inches away from Toms. "By the way, I'd like a large coke."

Tom smiled, as he grabbed one of the large cups and poured the male a nice refreshing Coke. He put the coke down on the counter, and looked up at Tord, examining his features more clear.

His hair looked so fluffy, Tom felt he could brush his hands through it all day. His dazzling hazel eyes looked like pools of honey, and he felt he could drown in them if he stared for too long.

"Alright, pretty boy. Your total is $4.75," Tom addressed.

"Keep the change, cutie" Tord smirked, handing Tom a $10 bill.

Tom took the bill and put it in the cash register. He quickly scribbled down his number on the receipt, before handing it to Tord. Tord took the receipt and a blush wiped over his face.

"Call me after the movie, and we'll go from there. Alright, handsome?" Tom winked.

Tord nodded, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He quickly got himself together and winked at Tom, "See you later."

"See ya, devil horns." Tom chuckled.

☆~ ☆

stay sparkling

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