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Rosé and I stayed as friends. We both liked each other, but never asked the other out. Until one day, everything changed. But it wasn't in a good way.

"Jungkook, we need to move." Mrs. Jeon said. "Your lying, right?" Jungkook nervously asked. "No, we're moving next week, I need you to get everything packed."  "You aren't serious. We can't move. We just can't!" Jungkook whined. "Jeon Jungkook! Go pack right this second!" His mom yelled. He went up to his bedroom and packed. "I never even got the chance to ask Rosé out." He quietly said.

Jungkook packed like his mom said to do. He had one week to be with his friends. Just one week. He was going to make sure it would be fun. He told everyone except Rosé. He knew she would be sad and would start crying. He just thought that if he left out of no where she wouldn't feel as bad. He was wrong.

He took everyone out to the movies the first day. Then the next day they went to a restaurant. Next a ice cream parlor. Next they all hung out at Jungkooks place. And the next day they baked. And then the next day they went to a cafe. Jungkook saved the last day for something special. Rosé didn't know why he was doing all these nice things, but she was loving it.

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