back together (part 2)

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She then fell into my arms. "JIMIN" I yelled.

He ran over to us. I sobbed. "It's okay. Don't worry." He said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'DONT WORRY?' " I said crying. "Did she take her medicine?" He asked. "M-medicine? W-what medicine?!" I asked curiously. "She needs to take her medicine. She's unconscious right now, wait for a bit. She'll wake up. I'll go get her medicine once we get inside." He said calmly. "o-okay" I said.

I carried her in and laid her down on a couch. My heart was beating so fast. I waited for a couple minutes. Maybe like 50? I then heard her voice. "j-jungkook? is it you?" She said weakly. "Yeah it's me!" I said. Jimin walked in with wet hair. He probably took a shower. "Here's your medicine Rosé." He said. "Uhm thanks." She quickly took the pill and popped it in her mouth. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you kookie, I didn't want you to worry.." she said. "It's okay, I probably would've made you stay home if I knew." I said chuckling. "It's not anything serious so please don't worry." She said. "I understand. I'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow!" I said blushing. I quickly went out the door. Phew I thought she was dying.

I opened the door to my house and ran upstairs to sleep. I was too tired, I didn't bother brushing my teeth not changing. I'm not nasty, I usually do that all the time, don't judge me..

Light shined through my windows, ugh daytime already? I was having a dream about Rosé.. I heard my mom talking downstairs. "Omo! You're the girl Jungkook has been talking about everyday! He's always like 'IM GOING TO MARRY ROSÉ WHEN I GROW UP!' It's so cute!" I slapped my forehead. Oh. My. Gosh. Embarrassing me already?

I quickly got ready and went downstairs. "HEeeyyy.." I said. Rosé was on the floor laughing. My mom was laughing too. What happened. "Hahah- oh hi Jungkook we were just talking about when you asked out that girl in 2nd grade! I loved the part when you-" "Stop, please.." I said embarrassed. "It was fun talking to you Mrs. Jeon! I'll see you later! Jungkook let's go!" Rosé said. "Okay.." I said.

    Rosé and I wanted to do something special in order to celebrate our "get together".
"Let's go out to eat." Rosé stated.
"Great idea, but we should do something that's a little more fun." I smirked.
"Oh yes! A fake wedding!" Rosé shouted.
"Uh- sure, I don't see why not." I sigh. That seemed fun, but I wanted some alone time with her. "Let's invite all of our friends." Rosé exclaimed. She seemed so happy and that made me smile.
"Okay, sure!" I said to her, "And after that, we could do something else that's fun."
"Yeah, we should go to the park and take nice photos!" Rosé smiled.
"Sure.. that seems so fun." I lied, if that makes her happy, I'm in. I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend and I don't want to let her go.
After minutes of planning that seemed like hours, our plan was complete. "Call some friends to help us set the tables outside and someone who cooks good." Rose said all of a sudden.
"Of course." I called Taehyung to bring him and Kathleen over to help us set up. I didn't tell them what for, that's their surprise.
"Call Jimin too. He would be happy to help," said Rosé.

15 minutes later
Taehyung and Kathleen rang the door bell.
"Jungkook, open the door please."
I went to open the door and saw Tae and Kathleen smiling in front of me. "Come in!" I smiled, "Kathleen, do you know how to cook?"
"I can try Jungkook, but I can't promise you it's going to be good." She said, "also, what's this for anyways?"
"We're having a fake wedding." Rosé told them.
"I think this would be a great idea! It sounds so fun!" Taehyung yelled cheerfully.
"Okay, everyone calm down, Jimin should be coming soon. We should set up some of the tables and decorations." I said.
"I want to decorate!" Kathleen demanded.
"Uh- okay. What about the food though?" I asked.
"We can order some, don't worry. I'll be doing that job." Rosé calmly said.
"Why'd you call Jimin to help set up the tables? He's weak!" Taehyung laughed. We rolled our eyes and also laughed with him.
Someone ringed the doorbell and I knew Jimin was here, "Oh Jimin! Hey, we were about to set up the tables for Rosé and I's wedding! You would be able to help, right?" I asked hoping for a positive answer. Taehyung laughed remember our 'inside joke'. "Of course! These abs aren't here for nothing!" Jimin laughed. "Kathleen, can you call everybody on this list?" Rosé asked.
"Yes Mrs. Jeon!" Kathleen smiled.
Rose rolled her eyes smiling and continued to order some food. Kathleen laughed and started to call some people over and that it starts in 3 hours.
2 hours later and everything is ready. Some people came over early to help us with a couple of things. One of Kathleen's friends, Ivy helped us decorate. "Jungkook, come here." Ivy whispered, "I found this ring pop, you can use this as the "ring"."
"Oh- yes!" I whispered back to her. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket. "I will walk with Rosé down the aisle." Jimin said. "I will be the preacher." Taehyung said. "I will be the flower girl." Kathleen said. "I'll also be the flower girl with Kathleen." Ivy said. "I will be the bride." Rosé laughed. "And I'm the groom." I said smiling. "Ivy, I have a plan. We should throw the flower petals at people!" Kathleen shouted. "What? Sure.." Ivy rethought.
Almost everyone we wanted to come came over and had a great time. It was a fun idea to get "married". We did take pictures after the "wedding" and it was really memorable.

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