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I'm sorry for this chapter, and it's existence:/

"Mommy! Daddy! Get up auntie Brook is here!" Rowan yelled jumping on me and Luke. "Okay, baby, you're gonna hurt Mommy." Luke said and I sat up seeing my sister, Luke and Rowan all in our room. "Brook!" I yelled and jumped up and tackled her to the ground.

"I missed you." I hugged her and felt Rowan hug our legs. "Hunny who was up with you?" I asked my daughter. "I got up by myself." She answered. "Auntie Brook needed help opening the door." She added. "Hey, just because she's your aunt doesn't mean you can open the door, okay?" I explained. "I'm sowwy mommy." She apologized and hugged me again. "It's okay baby." I smiled and picked her up.

I looked at my little sister and smiled at her.  "How have you been?" I asked her. "I've been doing good, found myself a boyfriend and I moved to LA a few weeks ago to be with him." She explained while smiling. "Do I get to meet him?" I asked her and she smiled. "Of course, his name is Jake Paul." She said and that name sounded so familiar. "He sounds familiar, is he a convict?" I joked and she laughed. "He's on that new Disney show, bizaarvark, Rowan probably watches it." She told me and the show did sound familiar.

"Oh! Here we go!" Rowan yelled and clapped her hands together, i was confused on why she did that. "Yeah, that's right, here we go!" Brook laughed, and did the same thing Rowan did.

"Dirk is funny, but Amelia is my favorite, she's pretty, sometimes she can be mean though." Rowan said to Brook and Luke, I got on my phone and searched up Jake Paul, the first thing that popped up was a YouTube video.

I clicked on it and it was titled 'Giant death Jenga' the video caused me to laugh and I went into mom mode when one of them got hurt. "Is he okay?" I asked Brook and showed he the video that was playing. "He's having troubles walking up and down the stairs but he's okay." She responded and I nodded and watched some more videos, still secretly being a teenage girl.

"Babe, I'm gonna go make some coffee and breakfast." Luke said and kissed my cheek, I pulled him back and kissed his lips. I got up and grabbed an outfit from my closet, I walked into the bathroom and got into the shower.

I got out and got dressed into my outfit, I walked downstairs and saw that Michael and Calum still weren't up, I groaned and I walked to their rooms. "Malum! Get up!" I yelled banging on their doors. "Shut the fuck up Ali!" Calum groaned and I walked into Michael's room, seeing him sound asleep. "Mikey, wake up, sweetheart it's time for breakfast." I whispered and he groaned. "What time is it?" He asked and I looked at his clock. "10:43" I responded and pulled the blinds open revealing the bright sun.

"Get up or I will tell Calum you're in love with him." I said and he sat up. "You wouldn't dare, that's not true." He hissed and I crossed my arms, it's kinda obvious that he likes Calum. "Fine, I'll get up." He groaned and I smiled before walking to Calums room.

"Get up shit head!" I yelled and jumped on him. "Ugh okay." He groaned and I left the room. I walked over to Luke and wrapped my arms around his waist, putting my head against his chest. "Hi?" He laughed and I looked up at him, I stepped up on my toes and kissed his lips. "Ew!" Rowan squealed and we pulled apart. "Ew is correct." Ashton laughed and picked her up and held her upside down causing her to giggle. "Uncle Ashy! Stoppp!" She squealed and Michael walked out into the kitchen.

I grabbed Luke's coffee and drank it, sitting on the bar stool and watched them mess around.

"Wanna go meet Jake today?" Brook asked and I smiled. "Sure, but can I bring Rowan because the guys have an interview." I responded. "Of course." She replied and I looked at Rowan. "Hey, baby you want to go meet auntie Brooks boyfriend?" I asked her and she smiled widely. "Yes! Yes! Please! I love Jake Paul!" She squealed excitedly. "Daddy, do you like Jake Paul?" She asked Luke. "I've met his brother but not him, but but Dirk is funny." Luke said and Rowan pouted. "Mikey says Logan Paul is cute." Rowan said and Michael blushed. "No I didn't." Michael lied and I grabbed Rowan. "Come on, let's get you dressed." I said and took her to her room to get her dressed.

Aletheamjones: ready for the day (she's excited to meet Jake Paul)

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Aletheamjones: ready for the day (she's excited to meet Jake Paul)

I put on my shoes and kissed Luke. "Were leaving, text or call me after your interview, okay?" I said to Luke. "Mhmm." He mumbled and kissed my lips, not want to pull away. "Mm, I have to leave." I mumbled while pulling away and grabbing my phone.

"You ready?" Brook asked and I nodded. "Bye guys!" I yelled as we walked out the door and Rowan ran to the car.

"Is Jake funny?" Rowan asked as I buckled her in. "Yes, very." Brook responded and I got into the car. "Is he nice to you?" Rowan asked. "Yes." Brook responded while pulling out of the driveway. "Good." Rowan mumbled and I grabbed the aux cord. "Can I pick?" Rowan asked. "Sure." I said and handed her my phone, suddenly End Up Here came blasting through the speakers. "Why this song?" I asked my daughter. "Daddy said it's about you." She responded and I smiled. "I never knew that." I whispered to myself.

"Uncle Mikey screams a lot when he sings." Rowan giggled and I laughed at what she said, the song ended and Rowan played Amnesia. "Daddy also said this was about you." Rowan mumbled and I frowned. "We're here!" Brook announced and I looked up to see the team10 house.

Rowan unbuckled and jumped out of the car, running to the door, we followed her and knocked. "Hello?" Asked a British man. "Oh wait, Brook come on in." He said and let us in. "I'm Nick, and you are?" He asked me. "Alethea and this is Rowan my daughter." I said and looked at Rowan who was smiling at Nick. "Mommy, he doesn't like tasers." She whispered to me and he laughed. "Babe!" I heard a guy yell and I looked up to see Brook hugging Jake. "And you must be Alethea." He said and brought me in for a hug. "What's your name beautiful?" He asked Rowan. "Rowan Hemmings!" She said proudly.

"I like your videos on, on YouTube." She smiled and he smiled back at her. "Thank you." He said and she ran to the trampoline that was in the kitchen. "Sorry about her, I think her dad gave her coffee this morning." I said to Jake. "Actually, it was Ashton." Brook told me and I rolled my eyes.

I looked at Rowan and saw Jake vlogging with her as she jumped on the trampoline, he walked over to me and handed me the camera. "Introduce yourself to the Jake Paulers." He said and I looked at the camera. "Hello, Jake Paulers, I'm Alethea, mother of that crazy child." I said and gave him back the camera.

please excuse this chapter i wrote it when Jake Paul wasn't a Snake Fall, i do like Logan though sorry if you don't, hes cool🤷‍♂️

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