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"Luke! Please go let Sydney in the house!" I hissed at him for the 3rd time, he groaned before letting the whining dog in. "Thank you." I muttered, sitting in the sink while doing my makeup.

"Babe, I don't even see why you need that shit." Luke said while laying on the bed, his eyes not leaving me.

"It looks cute." I said in a duh tone.

"You should hurry up, we have an hour before we have to leave for the event." Luke said as Sydney jumped onto his stomach, causing a groan from him, I giggled and tried to hurry up. "What are you even wearing anyway?" I smiled to myself, not responding, it was definitely something different for me.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go downstairs." I flipped him off playfully and he licked his lips, angrily.

I finished and went to my closet to get my outfit, I quickly got dressed and walked downstairs to see all the boys ready to leave.

"Wow, Ali you look great!" I smiled in response at Ashton's compliment.

"Thank you Irwin." I smiled and linked my arm with him since Luke was still being a brat. "And he wonders why Rowan is a brat." Ashton laughed at my comment and we went to the car.

"You think we'll meet bts?" Michael asked and I squealed.

"I hope so! I love them!" Luke rolled his eyes at us. "Luke, stop." I muttered and he groaned.

"Are you guys okay?" Ashton asked trying to play peace maker, as usual.

"Yeah, just tired thats all." Luke shrugged and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, can you pretend to love each other and not be an old married couple?" Calum asked, I sighed and nodded, Luke had no response. I moved to sit over by him in the limo.

"Babe, I love you." I whispered, he grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"I love you too, I'm just so worried about going on tour, it's gonna be so weird to be with out you and Rowan." He responded, kissing my forehead, I looked up at him and kissed his lips.

"It'll be okay, its only for a few months, we went years without seeing each other." I mumbled, he rolled his eyes and suddenly the limo stopped.

Slowly one by one we got out, Ashton, Calum, Michael, then Luke and I. The fans screamed and paparazzi took pictures, Luke made sure to have my hand in his the whole time. "Where's your daughter?" "Are you engaged?" "Is it true Alethea is pregnant?" "Are Michael and Calum dating?" All the questions gave me a headache, so we tried to make it through as fast as we could.

"Ali! It's Jackson Wang!" Michael jumped excitedly, Alethea looked around until her eyes met Jackson, Luke laughed at their excitement. Suddenly the Kpop artist walked over to them.

"Hello, I'm Jackson Wa-" "Wang Puppy." Michael squeaked, Calum facepalmed, Luke and Ashton laughed and Alethea stared in amazement.

"Y-you're beautiful." She breathed, and poked him to make sure he's real.

"Thanks, so are you babe." He smirked, Luke brought her closer protectively. "Don't worry, I'm gay and taken." Jackson told Luke who nodded in response, Michael's eyes went wide.

"Me too! I mean like I'm gay." Michael squealed.

"And taken." Calum groaned, and Michael blushed. At some point Jackson helped Alethea and Michael find BTS, introducing them to each other before they parted to take their seats.

"Do we have to get Rowan tonight?" Luke asked, Alethea shook her head no. "Okay." Luke smiled slightly and rubbed his thumb along her knuckles. "I love you so much." He whispered and pulled her onto his lap.

"I love you too." She smiled widely, and cuddle her face into his neck.

The lights in the stadium turned down and the show started, after announcing the first act, Demi Lovato arrived on the stage. After a few acts and awards given, Jackson walked on stage.

"So for our next act we'd like Alethea Jones to come on stage." Jackson spoke into the microphone, Alethea sat confused, Luke nodded for her to go. She slowly got up and went to the large stage, standing awkwardly next to Jackson. The lights completely shut off and before she knew it she was being placed in a chair and a spot light was point to someone whom she couldn't see. A guitar started strumming, and she immediately knew what was playing.

"I think you're pretty, without any make up on..."

As the song continued Alethea's smile widened, Luke was now standing in front of her. As Michael sang his solo, Luke got down on one knee. Alethea brought her hands to her mouth in shock, tears ready to flow out of her eyes.

"Alethea Marie Jones, I know we haven't had it easy in the past, but that's what makes us stronger. From the moment i met you face to face... I knew you i had to have you as mine. I love you to all of my ability, I love you for raising our daughter to be a beautiful and sweet young girl.. I love you for allowing me to enter her life. Most of all I love you for accepting my stupidity, and theirs. So will you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" Luke pulled out a small black box and opened it, revealing a medium sized diamond ring.

"Yes!" She nodded her head with joy, tears flowing down her face. She jumped off the chair and hugged him tightly. "I love you so, so, so, much." Claps were heard through out the stadium and screams from fans grew louder as Luke slid the ring onto her finger.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her off stage.

"I love you."

Mommy (Luke Hemmings) [2] Where stories live. Discover now