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The playground was buzzing with children. Everyone playing with their friends and running around. Well, everyone except Rye Beaumont. The six-year-old didn't feel like playing.

He wanted to sit and listen at storytime, imagining that he was the big strong knight that slayed the dragon and saved the princess, Eventhough he thought girls were yucky.

He sat on the bench and watched kids play with their friends and laugh. He was pouting and sulking until he saw something blond from affar. Rye, being the curious little boy he was, decided to see what or who it was.

When rye got closer, he heard sniffling and whimpers. Rye was confused as to why the boy was crying. So he decided to ask. "hi, why are you crying?" The blond was startled as he didn't hear or see the brunet coming. "S-someone b-broke m-my c-crown" The blond stuttered out crossing his arms.

Rye looked down and saw a crown made of flowers in the grass infront of the small blond. The crown had pretty yellow flowers on it that looked like the flowers he always picked for his mommy. "It was probably an accident" Rye said shrugging. "N-no he b-broke it because h-he said that o-only g-girls wore flower c-crowns" the blond said then started to cry again.

Rye didn't know why but seeing him cry hurt him. So, Rye sat down in the grass beside the boy and started to dry his tears with his hand. "Don't cry petal" Rye said to the blond who looked at him weirdly before he let out a little giggle. "Why did you call me petal? My names Andy" Andy said then smiled causing his dimples to appear.

Rye was mesmerised by the small dents in the boys face so he did what any curious kid would do, he poked them. Which caused Andy to let out another sweet sounding giggle.

"I called you petal because you're pretty like those flower petals and because...well...I didn't know your name" Rye said pointing at the flowers on the ground causing Andy to blush not really knowing why. Andy wasn't pretty he was handsome.

His mommy always told him that people call boys handsome and pretty is what you call girls but Andy still blushed all the same. "I can help you fix it" Rye asked making Andy look at him shocked but then got distracted by his honey colored eyes. "Your eyes look like honey" Andy said.

Rye giggled "Yours look like the sky" rye said causing Andy to giggle as well. They got to work fixing the crown adding little white flowers to it because Rye liked those. They worked and worked until it was time to go in for story time.

Rye was excited so he jumped up wiping the grass and dirt off his pants and offering a hand to his new friend. "Come on petal it's time for story time" Rye said causing Andy to blush again and roll his eyes. "My name is Andy not petal I'm not a flower" Andy said pouting and crossing his arms again.

"I like calling you petal. You can call me a name too" Rye said trying to reason with the boy. Andy thought for a while before he smiled and said "I'm gonna call you honey." Rye thought about it before nodding "okay petal come on" He said while pulling Andy off the playground.

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