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Andy stood in front of his mirror and sighed as he stared at the graduation gown in his arms. Today was the day he'd say goodbye to highschool life.

Tears rolled down Andy's cheeks as he thought about all the memories he'd had. All the special moments and the worst moments. All the laughs he'd shared with his friends and the lunch table shenanigans. He smiled at the memories and turned his attention back to his mirror.

He winced at the reflection of his red eyes and tear tracked cheeks. He quickly wiped at his eyes and sat down to do his makeup and brush his hair. When he finished, he went to his closet to take out the dress Rye had bought for him. He smiled down at the off the shoulder white dress with yellow flowers. He picked up the yellow heels, Rye buying those as well, and walked into the bathroom to change.

When he walked out he was met with his mom, sister, brother and boyfriend sitting in his bed. His mother and sister started to tear up at him making him struggle to hold in the tears he so desperately wanted to let out. "Hi honey" she said getting up to hug him, his sister following behind while Rye and Adam stayed put but smiled brightly at him.

Rye was the next to stand up and hug him. Andy immediately started crying because it would be the last hug he'd get for a long time considering his college was no where near the one Rye was going to. "Hey everything's gonna be alright" Rye whispered in his ear as he rubbed his hand up and down his back. Andy only nodded but in his mind he was disagreeing because everything wasn't going to be alright if he couldn't have the love of his life by his side forever.

Adam stood up with his arms wide open and Andy ran into them jumping and wrapping his legs around his big brother. "I'm so proud of you Amy" Adam said referring to Andy's female nickname he'd given him. Andy laughed and hugged his brother again "I'm gonna miss you Amber" Andy says as Adam let's him down. After another round of hugs and tears and a boat load of pictures it was time to go to the school for graduation.

Andy almost cried again when his friends ran up to him and hugged him one by one. He shared a longer hug with Harper, Harper running his hands through the little hair that poked out of his cap. Andy would miss Harper the most, not more than Rye but he would miss all the sleepovers and pillow fights and the heart to heart conversations they'd always have. "I'll miss you" Harper whispered into Andy's ear and placed a kiss onto his cheek. "I'll miss you too" Andy whispered and hugged him one last time before taking Ryes hand and heads to his seat.

~time skip~

It was now after graduation and everyone was at Ryes house celebrating. Andy was enjoying his time because the very next morning he'd be leaving for college. He sat on a couch cuddled into Ryes side, refusing to move because if he did he'd think about the short amounted time they had left together. "Baby I gotta get up" Rye said causing Andy to whine and shake his head no. "Please baby I know you'll like what I'm about to say" Rye said rubbing his hand onto Andy's arm.

With a final groan, Andy let go of Rye and sat up with a pout, Rye kissing it away as soon as it appeared. Rye winked in the direction of Jack who tapped Sonny and Maddox on the shoulder and bumped Mikey's side so he'd pay attention as well. "Excuse me can I get everyone's attention" Rye asked as he stands in the middle of the room. Everyone got quiet and listened to him "I'd just like to start off with saying congratulations to everyone for graduating you did it woo!" he'd started getting cheers and claps from everyone in the room. He cleared his throat so everyone would calm down "As you all know my lovely boyfriend and best friend Andy Fowler is going to college quite a way away" he says, everyone looking in Andy's direction and clapping for him because they knew the school he was going to was very prestigious.

Andy blushes but thanked everyone, Rye smiling at his adorable boyfriend "and everyone knows that means we'd have to be apart for quite a while but that's not the case anymore because" Rye stops and stares right into Andy's eyes filled with confusion but tears shimmering in them "I was accepted into the exact same college as him for a football scholarship" Rye finishes.

The room erupted in cheers and applause. Andy got up from his spot on the couch and jumped into Ryes arms, tears flowing rapidly down his cheeks but a bright smile adorned his face.

"I'll never leave you  I promised you that and I'm not breaking it ever again" Rye whispered into his ear using one of his hands to wipe his tears. "So that man at the football game was actually a college scout" Andy asked, his tears all dried up now only happiness radiating off him. Rye nodded and kissed his cheek.

They continued hugging knowing they'd be together but not wanting to let go of each other. There was a tap on ryes shoulder so he turned around to see Jack, Mikey, Sonny, Harper,Maddox, Harvey, Christian, and Brook standing behind them. "WE'RE GOING TOO" Brook yells excitedly causing Andy to jump out of Ryes arms and hug them all one by one.

~time skip~

That night, Andy stayed at Ryes house because it had been a while since he'd stayed there. The twins wanted him to stay up all night but Rye had reminded them that he had to leave the next morning.

They settled for a kiss on the the cheek each and a promise of visiting soon. He shared and extra long group hug with Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont as they had missed the boy who acted as their fifth son.

After taking a shower and changing into one of Ryes hoodie, he crawled into Ryes bed and immediately latched onto him. Words could describe how happy he felt that Rye was going to be by his side while he's at college and he was also happy that all of his best friends were going as well.

He was broken out of his thought when a kiss landed on his cheek " I love you" Rye whispered against his cheek. Andy smiled brightly, his heart swelling with love for his soulmate "I love you too" he whispered back and cuddled deeper into Rye. And he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.


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