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Andy sat on his bedroom floor, his acceptance letters spread out in front of him. He was looking at them, for the tenth time making sure he wasn't overlooking and that there was at least one college that was close to Rye.

When he didn't find one, he finally broke. He threw his letters all around his floor and laid there crying his eyes out. His sobs got the attention of his mother who had just come home from her shift.

She walked up the stairs to her youngest child's room, only to find him on his floor with tears strolling down his face, his letters in a pile around him.

"Oh sweetheart come here" she said dropping her purse so Andy could jump into her arms. They sat down on his bed as he sobbed into her chest while she rubbed his back in a soothing motion.

It took a while for his cries to reduce but his mother never let go until he slowly pulled himself from her chest but not out of her grasp.

"Mommy it hurts" Andy's said while him mom waited for him to continue"it's hurts to think about the future. I don't want to be without him" Andy said desperately trying to wipe his tears away from his eyes.

The beautiful ocean finally breaking through to the surface not being able to stay put. The tears rolled down his face and dripped off of his chin.

His mother wiping them away and kissing his forehead "I know it hurts baby and I know you don't want to be apart again but it won't be forever you two are made for each other. You'll never truly be apart just apart in distance" she told him as her hands continued her soothing pattern on his back.

He knew his mother was right but he knows he won't last two days without the love of his life. He wanted to take Ryes offer of them getting an apartment for them to live in near the college he chose,but he didn't want Rye to miss the opportunity of going to college and getting an education.

The thought of Rye going to college parties and getting drunk and accidentally cheating on him crossed his mind making his blood run cold. He knows Rye wouldn't cheat on him, but he couldn't help but think "what if?" What if the distance between them got to be too much and he decided waiting wasn't what he wanted to do?

What if he decided to stop loving him? All of these thoughts making Andy's heart rate speed up and his breath to come out in pants. His mother realized he was having a panic attack and helped him through it.

As soon as he's calmed down his mom hugged him close to her chest and sang a song she used to sing when Andy had woken up crying from a nightmare when he was little.

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray" she softly sang in her beautiful voice, gently rocking her baby boy in her arms. "You never know, dear, how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away" she sang then continued to hum the rest still gently rocking her son.

Andy had fully relaxed, snuggling closely to his mother's embrace, an embrace that he hadn't felt in a while because of her always being busy.

He'd usually go to Rye or his siblings for the comfort that he needed but his mother's embrace was truly something that made him feel safe. Like nothing could ever hurt him.

"Everything will be okay baby just wait and see" she whispered to him and slowly letting him go "I love you Mommy, with all my heart" he whispered causing her to kiss him on his forehead.

"I love you too baby so much" she said getting up and getting her purse walking toward his door but stopped and turned toward him "eventhough I'm always busy and I'm not home very much, I'm still here for you and I would drop anything and everything to comfort you. I love you so so so much" she said tears shining in her eyes as she smiled at him.

He smiled back at her, his eyes shining with tears as he mouthed "I love you" back to her. She wiped at her eyes and left, closing his door lightly. Andy wiped at his tears and called Rye.

"Hello" answered, his voice sounding low and raspy like he'd just woken up."Hi" Andy said his voice close to a whisper but Rye heard it and the sniffle that came at the end of it. "Let's talk then baby" Rye said, so him and Andy spent the rest of the night talking and exchanging "I love yous" eventually falling asleep together.
I seriously don't know why they all end with them sleeping and I don't know why my chapters have been short🤦
There's only 5 more chapters 😢
But anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did, please vote and have an amazing day❤️❤️❤️-Re

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