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"Let's do something today" Rye said as he hoped off of Andy's bed. The two had been moping around all day, the thought of only having a month left together plaguing their minds.

"What do you wanna do?" Andy asked eventhough he wasn't a fan of getting out of his comfortable bed "I don't know but I wanna do something" Rye exclaimed going into Andy's closet to retrieve some clothes having been in pajamas all day.

"Wanna see a movie?" Andy asked, Rye shaking his head in response "dont really wanna sit through a movie, I wanna do something fun" Rye said before dropping onto the bed dramatically.

Andy scrunched his face that only happened when he was thinking intently "how about we go to an arcade" Andy said with a shrug.

Rye's face lit up as he hugged Andy to reassure him it was a great idea. "Yes I haven't been to one in so long" Rye exclaimed excitedly as he picked up his clothes and ran to Andy's bathroom.

Andy shook his head at his childish boyfriend and went to his closet to find and outfit. He chose some blue and white striped overall shorts and a white shirt with a blue sail boat on it and blue and white striped sleeves.

He waited for rye to come out of the bathroom so he could get dressed. Rye came back wearing a blue and white striped shirt with white ripped jeans.

Andy practically drooled over how good his boyfriend looked in the simplest of things. "What are you staring at baby" Rye asked as Andy had been staring at him for two minutes without blinking "Just lookin at my beautiful boyfriend" he responded, sliding off the bed to place himself in front of Rye.

He wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading to his bathroom. He took a shower and did his other business, sliding on his clothes in the process.

He walked back into his room to see Rye laying back in his bed, crash sitting in his stomach. Andy giggled at the adorable scene earning the attention of Rye who smiled in return, looking Andy up and down.

Rye thought he looked absolutely adorable and he was really happy they were somewhat matching. "Ready to go? Or you gonna stay here and let crash sleep on your stomach" Andy asked letting out a little giggle at the curled up ferret on Ryes stomach. Rye shook his head and laughed then carefully picked up the ferret and placed him back in his cage. He grabbed his phone, wallet, and Andy's hand and led him to his car.

When they arrived at the arcade, Andy realized that there wasn't many people there, which he was very excited about. He didn't like being surrounded by people he didn't know.

The first game he saw was the ski ball one. He pulled Rye toward it, jumping up and down in anticipation, waiting for Rye to put in the coins so they could play.

The game started and Andy was winning, but Rye wasn't upset about losing because he got to see Andy's face light up everytime he made it into the hole.

They had continued to play games, gathering up loads of tickets for a prize. Andy was walking backwards and talking excitedly about what prize he was aiming for, which was a giant stuffed bear that was probably bigger than himself when he accidentally bumped into someone.

Andy hit the ground at the same time as the stranger did, Rye reached to help Andy up but was beat to it when the stranger, having gotten off the floor quickly, offered his hand to Andy.

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