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Andy and Rye were at Andy's house on his bed. It was Monday and after school Rye decided to come over. Andy's mom had screamed in delight when Rye walked through her door for the first time in forever.

They hugged for a while, both crying from missing each other so dearly. After a while the hug broke and Mrs. Fowler hugged her son and kissing him on the cheek before grabbing her purse and keys. "Dinners in the oven love you" she yelled closing the door before either could answer.

Both boys shrugged and laughed heading up to Andy's room to watch "Beauty and the Beast" cuddled into each other like old times. "Tells as old as time" Andy sung then hummed the rest his voice like a soothing lullaby that slowly put Rye to sleep.

Ryes hand was in Andy's hair threading through the soft blond locks making Andy fully fall asleep. They were peacefully sleeping, the credits and ending song of the movie playing in the background when the front door slammed shut "IM HOMEEEEE" the person yelled making Andy shoot up scared to death and Rye wake up because of the sudden movement of Andy.

"HELLOOOOO?" the person yelled again, Andy recognized the voice of his stupidly loud brother. Andy jumped off of his bed running downstairs and into the living room "ADAM" he yelled before jumping into his brothers arms making him drop his suitcase to catch him.

"Hey Bubs" he said squeezing his brother tight looking toward the stairs seeing Rye come down. Adam carefully sat Andy down on his feet before turning to Rye with an angry expression.

"Andy might've forgiven you but I don't. How could you leave him like that? He cried for so long you don't even know but you didn't care either did you? Probably not you were too busy dating girl after girl trying to get further and further away from him" Adam spat at him making Rye look down holding back the tears.

Andy noticed Rye getting upset and turned to Adam and squeezing his hand "hey, don't be mad at him he's still my best friend and he's like your second brother don't be like that" Andy pleaded with his big blue eyes staring into Adams.

He sighed and nodded not being able to refuse the innocent eyes of his little brother "look dude I'm still mad at you but I forgive you and I've missed you" Rye wiped his tears and nodded giving Adam a small smile which he returned.

"So Adam, where's Andrea? Thought she was coming with you" Andy asked his brother while on his back going into the kitchen. "She had stopped at Robbie's house to drop him off before coming here" he said sitting Andy down into a chair.

"Robbie's back too?!" Rye said excitedly not having seen his brother since he was going to college with Andrea. "Yeah he's back for Andy's birthday and because he wanted to see his family" Adam said taking the dinner, which was lasagna, out of the oven and cutting it into rectangles putting three pieces onto three plates.

Rye nodded his head digging into his dinner. The three talked about school and college when the door opened "IM HOMEEEE" Andrea screamed scaring Andy again but he still got up and ran into his sister's arms. "DREA I MISSED YOU" he yelled hugging her bone crushingly tight.

"I missed you too babes but please let go I can't breathe" she said making Andy gasp and let go apologizing profusely. "It's okay babes" she said smoothing his hair back and kissing his head.

Rye got up from the table and hugged her tight but not nearly as tight as Andy did "I missed you Drea" he said looking down at her. He had grown much taller than her but she was still a couple inches taller than Andy.

Adam on the other hand was 6'2 getting his height from his father. "I missed you too Rye" she said hugging him back "well dinner is already done so let's eat" Adam said. Everyone sat back down at the table and started to eat again
So this chapter was really short sorry but I didn't have anything else to put here. Chapter 13 will be longer because it will be the day of Andy's birthday ❤️❤️❤️

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