2. The flower that grew from the mud

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Warning: This story has parts discussing rape, torture, self harm and suicide

I had cried myself to sleep that night. People would never give me a break, I needed to stand up for myself but I just accepted their hatred, as if it were my own fault. I pushed the thoughts aside and tried to focus on the positives, I had finally made a friend. I looked at my time table and smiled at the first thing I had that morning. Art. The only place where I could be myself, the place I felt where I belonged. I felt my phone vibrate, I had a new message. 

Sai- Hey I was wondering if you wanted to walk to school together

Your face lit up seeing this, you never really got messages from people. You used to when you had your mum and dad, but now you only got hate. You smiled as you typed into your phone.

You- Yeah sure come by anytime
Sai- OK I will see you in an hour :3

You were getting ready for school when you got a knock at your front door. You opened it and saw Sai, he had a small smile on his face. "Hi", he says, giving you a small wave. "Hey Sai, look around if you want I've just gotta pack my bag". He nodded and began exploring your apartment. The walls covered in beautiful paintings, all done by yourself. All except one. Sai sees a large painting, it was beautiful. A poppy growing out of the mud. I walked out and saw Sai staring at it, his eyes widened, admiring its beauty. "Did you do this?", he asked. You giggled and shook your head. "Who did?". You walk up and gently stroke the flower. "My love, Itami", you sadly smile. Sai looks up and notices you crying. He hugs you, you tense at first but accept his sudden affection. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to", he says. You shake your head. "No I think you should know". You sit him down on the couch and pull a newspaper clipping from a draw. "I met him there". You say passing the newspaper clipping to Sai. It read 'Children saved from their kidnappers'. 'Last Thursday the police were given information about a man who was stealing young children and forcing them into sexual acts. These children were physically and sexually abused, some even driven insane. There were only a few survivors but those who did are badly beaten and most likely pregnant. All have been returned to their families to try to live a normal life. But after this incident will they ever be normal again?'. Sai looked up at you with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "We met there, his cage was next to mine, he kept me sane, the only reason why I live right now". You stood up and took a framed photo off the mantle piece, handing it to Sai. "When we were release he promised me that he was always going to be there for me, we started dating and we fell in love". Sai looked down at the photo and smiled. It was you kissing Itami on the cheek just before the school ball. "He told be that I was a flower that grew from the mud, a beautiful poppy, we would never leave each others side". You paused and looked down at your feet. "But it never lasted, we were pushed to the edge, bullies tormented us, they told him he was useless, ugly, deformed. These things never really fazed him but he couldn't hold on any longer, he needed to take away the pain. He painted the background, stem and middle of the flower, then he wrote his last words in a letter to me. He slit his wrists and painted the petals with his own blood. In his note he told me that I could fight through the pain and live a life of happiness. He could no longer hold on and needed to be let go and that he would never forget his flower that grew from the mud". Sai pulled in for another hug, letting his own tears escape. "I'm so sorry", he sobbed. You pulled away and smiled. "It's fine Sai, I know that Itami is happy now that he is free". Sai wiped a tear from your cheek and lead you to the bathroom. "We need to get cleaned up", he chuckled. You both began washing your faces until there was no sign of tears. You both walked out of the apartment laughing and joking with each other.

You both walked into class late, Miss. Yuhi (Kurenai) raised an eyebrow at us. "Why are you two late?", she asked. "Sorry we lost track of time", Sai smiled. Miss. Yuhi smiled and let you sit down. You looked around at the other students, you felt a mental pain when you saw the blonde and red haired Akatsuki members. You sat next to Sai. "Ok everyone today I want you to try and draw still life pictures, there is a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table, please draw it as well as you can", she instructed. You nodded and began to draw. You felt eyes staring at you, you didn't even need to look up to know who it was. The Akatsuki. Ten minutes later you were finished, you smiled down at your art, you gently stroked the flowers. "Very good (Y/n)", Miss. Yuhi compliments. You give her a thankful nod and watch Sai.

On the other side of the table Deidara and Sasori stare at (Y/n). "Whats up with her?", Sasori says, turning to Deidara. Deidara just shrugged his shoulders and looked back at her. "Yesterday when Hidan came onto her she didn't no anything, then she had a sudden outburst". "Yeah that was pretty weird, somethings up with her". Deidara tried to focus on his art but he couldn't stop looking up at her.

When the bell went Sai lead me to a table where some other people were sitting. "Hello everyone this is my new friend (Y/n)", he said pointing to you. "H-hi", you stutter. "(Y/n) this is Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Tenten, Lee, Neji, Choji, Shikamaru and Ino", he says pointing each one out. The blonde one named Naruto jumped up and ran over to you. "Your the new girl right". You nod. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!", he yells. You giggle. "I believe it". He smiles and get you to sit in between him and Sai. You pull out your sketch book and begin to draw. The others stare in awe. "Wow that is so cool", the girl name Sakura says. You nod in thanks and give her a closed eye smile. "Very youthful", says Lee. "So where have you moved from?", Kiba asks. "Well I moved a town over so not too far". They nod. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?", the blonde idiot next to you asks. Sakura hits him over the head. "Don't ask that you idiot!". You giggle in response. "No no its fine, I have but not anymore". "Why is that?", asks Shikamaru, his eyes still closed. Sai gives you a reassuring look. "You don't have to tell them if you don't want to". You look down at your fidgeting hands. "He... he killed himself". Everyone at the table gasped, Sai hugged you. You accepted the hug and smiled. "Its fine Sai I can talk about it", you sigh. You smile up at him and he lets go. "What did he call you, like pet names?", Sakura asked. "Um he used to call me the flower that grew from the mud". They all stared at her blankly. "The flower that grew from the mud was the poppy, she grew above the mud and blood into a beautiful flower", Sai adds. The kids all nod when the get it.

The Akatsuki watched from the other table. "What are we gonna do today?", Hidan asks Pein. "Konan its your turn, make her feel like trash", he smirked.

Time skip

The bell rings and you begin walking home, you weren't going to stick around like last time. Then someone ran up and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned and saw a purple haired girl with an evil smirk on her face. She pushed you up against a wall, the other Akatsuki surrounding you. "What do you want?", you ask calmly. "I want you to know how useless you are", she smirked. "Yeah whatever", you roll your eyes and look away. "Hey don't just brush me off", she growled, shoving hard against the wall. "No body loves you", she yelled. "Like I didn't already know that", you growl back. She just raised an eyebrow. "Look if your gonna bully me you gotta come up with something better then that, don't tell me what I already know". You shove her aside and walk away. She grabs your wrist and you keep walking. "I'm still talking to you!", she yells. "What the f*** do you want from me?". She grabbed you by the shirt and pushed you into an alleyway. "Don't talk to me like that!", she growled. "What do you want?!", you yelled back. "I want you to home crying to your mommy", she smirked. You weren't having any of this, you pushed her off you. "What are you going to do, rape me? They've already done that. Torture me, they've done that as well". You lifted the back of your shirt up exposing many scars. "You can't hurt me, nor the people I love. My mom killed herself, my dad died of cancer and the only one I loved killed himself because of a** holes like you, you think I'm scared of you I'm not. You can't hurt me as much as I hurt myself!". You roll up your sleeves showing them the cuts. "Now get the f*** out of my way!". They move and you run home.

The Akatsuki looked down at the ground in shame. "She was one of those kids wasn't she?", Sasori asks. They shrug their shoulders. "Tobi feels bad now, Tobi is a bad boy", he sighs. "What are we going to do now Pein?", Konan asks. "We will continue to do the same thing, until she finally cracks". "W-what do you mean?". "Until she realizes she is only a burden to this world and relieves herself of all the pain", he smirks. The other Akatsuki swallowed hard, Pein was taking this way too far.

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