12. Why? Because I love her

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2 weeks later- Friday afternoon

Deidara's POV

The bell rung and we were all released from school. I walked past Sai and looked away as soon as our eyes met. He gave me a sad smile, then his gaze drifted to the floor as he walked off. I jumped when I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulders. My eyes drifted to the tall figure standing next to me. "Why are you so down?", Pein asked with a smile. I faked a smile and met his gaze. "Uh sorry un, I got in an argument with my sister this morning", I lie. He raised an eyebrow. I knew that I was a terrible liar hopefully he doesn't notice. Please don't notice, please don't notice, please don't notice. He smiled again and then ruffled my hair. "Well I'll see ya on Monday". And with that he walked off to meet Konan. I let out a sigh of relief and then frowned when I saw someone I hated. Sasuke. He glared at me so I just looked away. I will never forgive him for what he did. I walked out of the school gates and towards the hospital. I saw Naruto and Sakura standing by the bus stop, they smiled sadly at me. They knew where I was going, I went there everyday. Just sitting beside her unconscious body waiting for her to wake up. I could sit there for hours just talking to her, even though I knew she can't hear me. It reminds me of everything I went through for her, every thing I went through just to be with her.


Deidara sat in a chair next to (Y/n)'s bed. The only sounds were the beeping of the heart monitor and Deidara's sobs. Suddenly the door to the room was slammed open and a large group of people run in. "Oh my god (Y/n)!", Sakura cries. She runs up to the bed and hugs her sleeping body, the other girls do the same. Sai, Naruto and Lee get closer to her while the other boys just watch from a distance. Once all the girls had stopped they noticed Deidara sitting on the other side of the room, hugging his knees with his face hidden behind his hair. "You're the one who did this!", Tenten screamed. Dei looked up at the others, letting his hair move revealing dark circles under his red puffy eyes. "Yeah, why did you do this you monster!", Naruto added. "I only wanted to protect her", Dei whispers. Sasuke grabbed him and shoved him up against the wall. "You did this, you tried to kill her!", he spat. Dei couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. He pulled back his fist and connected it with the Uchiha's face. "You're an asshole, you know that Sasuke. You think that you can just take what ever you want because you rich and popular. I saw the message you sent her, you didn't care about her, you just wanted to sleep with her and then dump her like the rest of your whores!". Sasuke barred his teeth and threw a punch at Deidara, it his him in his unbruised eye. "What would you know about me caring for her, you don't even care about anyone but your self!". "That's where you're wrong", Dei says. "What do you mean?", Naruto buts in. Deidara sighs. "I care bout her more than anything and when I saw your stupid message it made it look like she was just using me. So yeah, go ahead blame me, its all my fault. I would trade places with her just so that I could see her smile again. Do you wanna know why? Because I fucking love her, I'm in love with her!". Every ones eyes widened. "Girls like her come a long once ever one million years, I will never find anyone who is as beautiful or talented or passionate as (Y/n). I would trade my life for hers, just to know that she could live a life that isn't full of hate, like how she lived previously".

Now the room was silent. "Pein wants her dead and I have no fucking idea why. And when she wakes up I'm going to protect her with my life, just knowing that I tried to protect her will make me happy. So don't you dear tell me that I only care about myself because I care about her more than my own life". I hadn't realized it but now I was crying. Ino ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry I didn't know what happened", she cried. Sasuke rolled his eyes and walked away. I pulled the suicide note from my bag and let them all read it.

Once everyone was done they all glared at Sasuke who sat in a chair in the corner of the room. "Why did you do it?!", Naruto yelled grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He shrugged his shoulders. "Sasuke why would you hurt her like that, you're sick!", Sakura cried. Everyone turned against the Uchiha, burning a hole in the back of his head with their glares as he exited the room. Soon after everyone's gaze drifted to Deidara. "I'm sorry", Naruto whispered. He pat his back and left the room. After everyone was done with their apologies Deidara was left alone in the hospital room. A nurse knocked on the door and came in. "I'm sorry sir but visiting hours are almost over", she says. Deidara smiles and nods. He stands up and leans over (Y/n), giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Flash back over

I walked down the long corridor until I came to the door I see everyday. Room 203, (Y/n) (L/n). I Push the door open and step inside, just the sight of her puts a smile on my face. "Hey (Y/n)", I greet. I pull a chair up next to her bed. "So its been just over two weeks, I hope that you wake up soon". I hold her hand, even though she is unconscious her hand is still so warm. "Art hasn't been fun with you gone and I befriended all of your friends, well except Sasuke. Everyone stopped hanging out with him because of what he did to you. I will never forgive anyone who hurts you, not even myself". I sigh and rub my eyes, tears are threatening to fall. "I'm sorry, so so sorry. I can never forgive myself for what I did and said to you. You deserve someone way better than me and I will let them love you because I don't deserve your love. There are so many guys that are better then me but I will help you pick one because I don't want anyone who isn't good enough for you". "Dei I don't want anyone else". My eyes snap open and I stare at the girl in front of me. (Y/n) tries to sit up, she struggles so I try to help her. "Hey don't push yourself", I say. She turns her head and her eyes widen when she sees her suicide not on the table beside her. She blushes and tries to look away. "What's wrong, un?", I asks. "Uh nothing". I move to the other side of the bed and sit down beside her. "Please tell me, yeah", I beg. "So you know how I feel then", she whispers. "How I feel about wha-". I was cut off by her lips crashing into mine. She quickly pulls away and turns her face. "I'm sorry I... I understand if you don't feel the same way". I grab her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. "No I feel the same way, (Y/n) I'm in love with you", I say. She leans forward and captures my lips in another kiss, this one lasting longer. I pull away and give her a sad smile. "I'm sorry (Y/n), I can't forgive myself for what I did to you. I hurt you and I said such awful things, I don't deserve you". She leans in again for another kiss, this time she pulls away but keeps us close, making my forehead rest against her's. "I know that you didn't mean any of it Dei, please don't blame yourself", she begs. I smile and nod my head, leaning again for another kiss.

Sai walks into the room without us realizing. And after Sai comes the rest of (Y/n)'s friends. They all stop at the door with wide eyes, watching the heated make out session that is currently taking place on the hospital bed. Deidara is laying on top of (Y/n), her hands are running through his long blonde hair. Naruto clears his throat, getting the two lovers attention. They sit up, both blushing and trying to fix their messy hair. The girls attack (Y/n) with hugs. "Oh my god I'm so happy your OK", Tenten cries. "Please never do that again", Ino sobs. (Y/n) promises and tries to stand up, only to fall to the ground. I catch her just before she hits it. "Where are you going?", I ask her. "I want to go see Mum, Dad and Itami", she says. I smile and carry her bridal style to the bathroom and give her her clothes. Once she has finished getting changed we called the doctor to check up on her and we are free to go.

I was walking down the street, carrying (Y/n) bridal style. "Are you sure you can carry me?", she asks. I nod and gently peck her cheek. We reached the cemetery and sat in front of the three graves, the flowers (Y/n) had bought last time were brown and wilted. "I wish we could've gotten some more", I sigh. She smiles and hugs me. "No this is fine, just as long as I get to see them its ok".

"Hey Mum, Dad, Itami. I brought someone with me today. This Deidara and I love him more than anything", she giggles. I smile at the headstones and wave. "I miss all of and I wish you were here so that I could see you again, Deidara makes me so happy and I want you to know that I'm feeling a lot better". I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "I've never been so happy in my entire life", I whisper in her ear. She giggles and connects her lips with mine in a short yet sweet kiss. I stand and then help her up, she trips over her own feet and falls into my chest. "Geez you're clumsy", I chuckle. She pouts and looks away. I pick her up bridal style again and begin walking to her apartment. "Hey put me down", she complains. I shake my head. "Sorry but you haven't recovered yet and you can't walk". She rolls her eyes and begins playing with my hair. I sigh and just it happen. "I should give you cornrows", she giggles. "Never in a million years".

Idk why but I want to see Deidara with cornrows. If I could physically do art then I would but unfortunately I have no talent whatsoever. Happy happy that you're awake now. Just had some friends over for a small B-day get together. Now I am mentally scarred and will never play beanboozled again. One of my friends ate one and then threw up in a plastic bag. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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